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Cheryl's POV
Me and Toni walk hand and hand, until I let go, we go to the office because that's where the tryouts papers were, and I showed her what she needed to do. "So what you do is you basically write your name, and what place you wanna be in the team, then when you tryout they will put out flyers and it will say who made it"

I say to Toni as she was looking at the paper and writing "thanks Cheryl" she says looking away from the paper and at me "no problem" I say with a smile on my face.

When she was done we go back to the gym, she sits on the bench on her phone most of the time, but I knew she was watching. When practice was over, I didn't have a ride. So I was walking on the sidewalk, when a motorcycle pulled up next to me on the sidewalk, I then quickly noticed it was Toni. "Hey Blossom, need a ride?" She says with a smirk.

I look at her Motorcycle and then back at her, I can tell she saw how scared I was because she then told me "hey it's not that scary, plus it's fun"

she says with her cheesy cute smile, I giggle at her, "fine" I say giggling, "go slow please" I say to her in a serious tone and putting my hands on her shoulder, "if I go slow it would be more dangerous, oh and Cherry your gonna go flying if you don't hold on my waist" she says smiling I then do what she told me I hold her waist from behind her.

She then started and drove, I looked back to see Veronica all sad, I then took one hand off of Toni's waist and stuck my middle finger behind me at Veronica, I knew she saw it because she then went running into her car.

I smirked at that, I then quickly put my arm back around her waist, I then put my head on her shoulder, and I felt safe with her, like she was my shield, the smell of vanilla and coconut, made me feel like I was in a dream, we then pull up at my house, she gets off first and helps me off the motorcycle "thank you, you gentlewoman" I say with a giggle "my pleasure princess" she says with a wink and a smile.

I then say thank u to her and then I hug her, when we pull out of the hug we look into each-others eyes and I lean in for a kiss, but Toni didnt, I didn't realize my mom was home, she was watching the whole thing happen.

I Came out to her but that ended very badly, when me and Toni were about to kiss my mom comes bursting outside and says "you deviant, sapphic child of the devil" she says with anger. I look over at Toni who's face was confused. "And you, leave my daughter alone you sapphic serpent piece of trash, i don't want u an inch from Cheryl" my mom says to Toni.

My mom then grabs my arm and pulls me inside, leaving Toni outside.

She then left a couple of minutes later, my mom slapped me in the face a bunch of times. "I saw you leaning in to kiss that serpent trash, I noticed she didn't lean in, she doesn't like u Cheryl. I always knew you were loveless" she then said "go to your room, you deviant child, and pack your stuff.

I don't want to see your face in this house Every AGAIN!" My mom finishes saying. I go running to my room, I close the door and lock it, then I start crying softly and quietly so my devil of a mother couldn't hear, I didn't want to pack. I then remember the number Toni gave me, I then put her number in my phone and call her.

She picks up "hello? Who is this?" She says "it's C-cheryl" I stutter trying to hide my crying sounds. "Omg Cheryl are u alright, what did your devil of a mother do to u?"

She says worried. "I'm fine Toni, really, but could u pick me up, please!" I say to her sobbing quietly "yeah I'll be there in 5 minutes" she says "park on the other side of the rode and go behind the house and go up to a window, I'll put a ladder down there for u" I say to Toni, she then says "okay Cheryl I'm on my way" she then hangs up.

I quickly pack a few things, because I knew her Motorcycle wouldn't fit a lot of stuff. 4 minutes later I hear a rock hit my window, I run over to the window and see Toni, I smile and open the window, she starts to climb the latter, she finally makes it up to my room.

"Are you ready?" She says to me I nod my head yes. She's takes my stuff and goes down the latter and puts them on the floor down there, she then climbs back up to help me, her hands on my waist as we both go down together. I blush hard.

We both made it to the ground, I noticed that I didn't have any shoes on or socks, she notices and says "jump on my back" I look at her "what? Are u sure.. I'm kinda heavy" Toni looks at me with a smile "Cheryl I don't care if your heavy or not, ok?" "Ok" I say with a smile.
She then kneels down so I can get on her back, I got on her back and hold her tightly. Did I mention that she was also carrying my suitcase? We then made it to her Motorcycle, we get on and headed to her trailer.

Hey babes what's up?
Hope you enjoyed this! Have a fantastic day!  Comment if I should continue this story, don't worry I have lots of stuff that I want to put in this!💗

Have a fun day and stay gay!

Bye my pretties!

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