One- The Hike pt. 1

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It was the day of our annual summer camping trip. My best friends and I always hiked miles upon miles down a trail near my rural home and tent camped for a weekend every year in July.

This weekend was going to be perfect, the weather warm with no chance of rain for the days to come. This year was going to be a bit different though because we let the boys join us. All the past years we told them they could not come because they got too rambunctious, but we thought maybe by now they had settled down a bit.

I checked my backpack to be sure I had everything. As I rummaged through, I felt a pair of arms snake around me and pick me up. I began being shaken to death, laughing and kicking around in an attempt to try to free myself. I felt myself being let down and I turned to see my best friend Bastion smiling dumbly at me.

His dirty blonde hair was messy and he was wearing a tee shirt with Gizmo from the movie Gremlins on it paired with some blue jean shorts. His blue eyes held a great deal of humor in them as I shot him a small glare.

"Girl! Hurry your queen ass up! The rest of us are all done and waiting outside!" He said with a little too much sass, crossing his arms with a fake pout to his lips. I rolled my eyes and zipped my bag up.

"Relax, I am ready," I stated. Bastion turned with a victorious look and walked out of my room, his six foot tall, thin body leaving the room as he closed the door on his way out.

I walked over to my white painted wooden shoe rack and grabbed my pair of black leather hiking boots. I slid them on and tied them as tight as I could to assure they would not move a single centimeter while on the trek.

Standing up, I began to think about anything else I might need, furrowing my eyebrows slightly with concentration. Remembering the last necessity to hiking, I grabbed my assisted opening pocket knife and clipped it to my belt loop on my black jean shorts. I turned back once more, examining my bedroom before leaving it.

I walked out of my house to the rest of my friends who were waiting in my front yard. Bastion smiled and said "Oh look who finally decided to come out of her cave and join the rest of us!" This got a laugh out of most of my friends. The two who did not laugh, Lizzy and John, were busy dry humping one another near a tree, John's six foot two, slightly muscular body pressed against Lizzy's five foot four curvy one.

Once again I rolled my eyes and began walking. I looked around and did a head count. "Everyone ready? Last chance to pee in an actual bathroom for the weekend!" I asked. Everyone nodded and began walking down my dirt driveway with the crunching of stones undertow and into the field across from us and to the soft sounds of grassy footsteps. Down the side of the field was the beginning of the trail, and the beginning of a very long, adventurous hike.

We had been hiking for about an hour before the first real complaints began. Kaylee began whining that she was hungry and wished she had stayed home so she could have ice cream. Her boyfriend Cade simply laughed at her before scolding her, stating she would live a few days without the luxuries of ice cream and the internet.

"Kay, if I hear one more comment about ice cream or Arby's I will personally tie you to a fucking tree and leave you for the animals to gnaw on," Lizzy said to Kaylee. Kaylee grumbled something under her breath, but the lot of us found it humorous and a round of laughter sounded through our group.

We walked for another thirty to forty minutes before we unanimously decided a break from the sweat inducing hike would be nice. Everyone stopped and drank out of their water bottles and found a place to sit. Lizzy was sitting on her fiancé, John's, lap next to the tree Bastion had managed to climb into while Dylan and Maddie sat on a dead, fallen tree.

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