Forty Nine- Battle

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As the new creatures hissed and growled back at us, I think everyone around me was equally as shocked as I was. We were not trained to fight vampires and werewolves, we had no idea what they were capable of. 

I looked next to me and up to Xenophon. The look on his face was not fear, and for that I was grateful. If he were nervous to fight these creatures then I sure as hell would be too. Instead, his face held determination and confidence. 

Suddenly, the alarm was sounded and the battle begun. Thousands of feet charged at one another, swords, bows, teeth and claws all ready to take down the enemy.

Everything was all sudden movement. Everyone was now in some sort of battle with an enemy. I rushed up to a male dragon shifter. 

Acting upon what I had learned when fighting Xenophon, I went for the legs first, I took the shifter out at the knees before pulling my knifes out and ending it quickly. 

Standing from the corpse I ran into the battle once more. I could see Xenophon who was now fighting a group of vampires. 

They were surrounding him, but he was much larger as he had shifted into his dragon form. He easily took them out one by one, ripping heads off of the shoulders they resided on. 

The air was full of screams, growls, and hissing. The field was splattered with blood and bodies. It was more of a bloodbath than anything else. There were phoenix in the air with fire blazing around them. Dragons both in flight and on the grounds fighting for their side. There were humans scattered about, mostly staying near a dragon, phoenix or lycan for protection. 

Axa was battling another dragon as Thane and Azar flew above, taking out a dragon who was about to attack Axa while she was occupied. Zor and Mia stood on the ground together taking on a large group of wolves. 

As I was observing, I watched as my mate took on more vamps. While I was distracted by the amazing sight that was Xenophon, something, or someone, tackled me from the side. I quickly regained my whits and realized it was a werewolf. Its sharp claws dug into my leg as it growled above me. 

I swung my right arm up as hard as I could, landing a solid punch onto the wolf's jaw area. It growled upon the impact of my fist. I realized I had just pissed it off more and in reaction to its growl, I pulled my knife and landed it in the side of the beast's neck. Its blood began to drip on me as I pulled the large knife out of its neck and the wolf toppled over. 

A howl sounded somewhere on the field. A howl of anger and pain. I gulped as I saw where the howl had come from. A wolf was now charging at me and then it clicked in my mind. This was the wolf's mate. I quickly got into a fight ready stance as the wolf came closer and closer to me. 

When it was close enough, it jumped up, it's teeth bared at me. It was going for a quick kill shot. I had my long knife ready to stab it when it landed on me but it never made it that far. I looked up to see the wolf's body go flying into the air away from me fallowed by large dark wings. 

In seconds Xen had ripped the wolf in half before he turned to assess if I was alright. I breathed a sigh of relief before giving him a nod. We turned back to the battle scene in  front of us before we both ran to assist our allies. 

Xenophon ran up to Zeek who was fighting off a fellow dragon while I ran to my own sibling who was fighting a vampire.

Harper had the vampire dodging her sword as she gracefully swung it with all of her power. I ran up from the side and upon my arrival I used my knife to jab into the vampires neck. It's head twisted and it growled at me, but it's threatening noises were lost at one swing of my sisters sword. The vampires head tumbled to the ground and she gave me a proud smile. 

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