Twenty Six- The Meeting

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It was the day of the ball and I'd be lying if I said my anxiety wasn't a bit high. I'd be meeting new people who weren't related to Xenophon or my growing baby and that scared me.

Xen was off with his father preparing for the meeting that would take place in a few hours and before the ball. I missed his company, but I knew this meeting would be extremely important so I did not fuss at all.

I knew some wouldn't approve. My main concern was how many of them wouldn't and what they would do because of their disapproval.

As I sit on the bed completely lost in thought, Axa and Zeek burst into the room. Axa has a bag which looks to be full of things. I gulp lightly and look at their excited faces.

"It's time to make you even more gorgeous than you already are!" Zeek squeals and Axa smiles even more. I didn't even know someone could smile more.

"Yes! We have to do your hair and makeup!" Axa says. I feel my eyebrow raise as they drag me off to the bathroom.

Axa pulls a hair iron out followed by some makeup similar to what we'd have on Earth.

Zeek plugs the iron in and begins playing with my hair while Axa puts makeup on me.

After layers of makeup and mascara, Axa finishes my face. Zeek puts a last pin in my hair and smiles a toothy smile.

"Okay, you can look!" Axa says pointing to the mirror.

I had to say, they did extremely well.

My hair was perfectly ironed with a hair pin holding some of my side bangs away.

The makeup was stunning. My eye shadow was black on the outer corners but faded into silver and white. My eye liner was a perfect wing, and my mascara looked stunning, almost like my eye lashes were fake. The lipstick was a beautiful earthy pink color, which made my lips look very plump.

They really know their stuff.

After they finished my hair and makeup, Zeek left so Axa and I could get our dresses on. She had already done her makeup and hair prior to helping me with mine.

Her beautiful white hair was pulled up into a slightly messy but stylish bun. Her makeup was very simple, some simple eye liner and silver eye shadow. Her lips had a light nude lipstick on with a slight shine of gloss. She was a natural beauty.

She helped me into my beautiful silver dress and I did the same for her. Once we finished getting ready, we left the room and Zeek was waiting for us.

He looked absolutely handsome too.

His mowhawk was slicked back, making it look more formal but just as handsome. He wore a black suit with a silver undershirt and a silver tie.

Zor walked up, standing next to Zeek. I looked him up and down, and he did the same for me. I realized he and Zeek matched, which was kind of cute. Their hair styled the same and identical suits.

Zor held his arm out for me to take with a smile smile. With no hesitation I took it, wrapping my arm around his.

"Why don't I get to escort her?" Zeek whined. Zor rolled his eyes.

"Because you'd trip over yourself and drag her down with you," Zor said, causing Axa and I to laugh. Zeek scoffed and rolled his eyes before walking ahead of us. Axa walked beside me, constantly making sure her hair was in place.

It wasn't a long walk across the castle to the meeting room. We were the only ones there, waiting for the rest of the family and then the guests.

I felt Xenophon walk up behind me and stop. I could feel his eyes checking me out, which caused me to smirk.

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