Eight- Keep Moving

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Lizzy's POV

We had been walking in the caves for what felt like days. It was so cold, dark and damp, I had chills up and down my body constantly. We no longer had the gift of the sun to tell us when we should stop or how long it had been, and it honestly became a very confusing situation.

The guys kept in front, Kaylee and I followed, me being very last in order to make sure everyone ahead of me was safe and nothing was coming from behind. I blame it on me being the bravest of the group and my natural maternal instincts that I inherited from my own mother.

After a long while of walking, we finally came to a stop deciding we had gone far enough. Once we found a dry area in the darkness of the cave, we settled in for the night, or what felt like night to our internal clocks.

We probably should have thought of it beforehand, but we had left into the depths of the cave, not knowing where we would end up, without collecting extra food first. We had packed plenty of breakfast fiber bars and snacks, but we were honestly hungry as hell. One bar a meal was not enough for us to sustain on, especially not the boys.

"I'm fucking hungry. Can't we catch a bat or something?" John whined. Kaylee gave him a disgusted look. Cade, however, began to think and you could practically see the gears beginning to move in his head.

"You know, that may not be a bad idea, bro," Cade said.

"If we could make a fire to cook it, I'd definitely eat a bat!" Grayson chimed in.

"I suppose I'd try it too," I said as I shrugged before looking at Kaylee who was shaking her head in pure disgust.

"There is no way I will ever put a bat in my mouth!" she exclaimed.

There was a burst of laughter and the boys immediately stood up to start the search for bats. I suppose it is better to eat a bat than have no food and starve to death in an endless maze of cave tunnels.

Morgan's POV

Xenophon and the twins stayed with me as I continued my hike in search of the other caves. Zeek was boisterous, while his twin was reserved and rarely said anything that was not serious or important.

Xen kept himself close to me, ready to protect me at any moment from any danger that could be around the next corner. I definitely felt much safer now that he was not leaving me alone again and it was helpful to my nerves that Zeek and Zor were with us too. I can only be grateful that they were the aliens I had run into.

As we carried on, the sun began to creep down the sky as it did every day. The sky was a bit dreary today, suggesting a storm was going to arrive soon. I began to question how many days we had been out, but I soon stopped, realizing it did not matter anymore and only survival did.

Once the sun was just about to hide behind the horizon, we began to slow down. I yawned before rubbing my eyes as I walked. I suppose walking with my eyes closed isn't the smartest move to make, as I tripped over a rock embedded in the ground. I was lucky to have Xen there or else I would've fallen completely onto my face.

"You're tired, we should stop here for the night," Xen stated. I nodded before finding a decent place to lay out my blanket. I stopped to look at the boys who were all watching me.

"Um, do you guys sleep?" I asked shyly. They all immediately began to laugh at me as the question left my mouth and I felt awkward instantly.

"Well of course we sleep!" Zeek said in a duh tone. Even Zor was amused by this and laughed at me. I felt my cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment.

After a few minutes of them laughing at me, I went back to setting my sleeping area up before offering my blanket away. They all stared at me, confused.

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