Thirty One- Intruder

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Being with the lycans has been an amazing adventure. We have been with them for a couple weeks now. They're so different and in tune to nature that I have a hard time even believing they exist some times. Some days I think I'm in a literal dream and I'll wake up on Earth in my bedroom with all my family and friends.

Zor and his mate Mia have been getting along well. He's been staying at her house while Thane and I have remained in the house we were given. It really has become quite the home for us.

As I stand by the bedroom window and look out, I see couples of all walks of life everywhere. They're all so happy. From what I heard, mates will do anything for their counterpart and will be loyal beyond death.

It leads me to question what went wrong with my own supposed mate. Could it have been because I was human? Why would he break our bond knowing I was carrying his child? It made no sense to me.

A couple light knocks on my bedroom door tore me from my thoughts and unanswered questions.

"Come in," I said slightly loud so the person on the other side of the door would clearly hear me. The door creaked slightly and Thane's face popped around the door.

"Hey, Little One," he said as he walked into the room and sat on my bed. I walked over and sat next to him, flinging my legs up onto the bed and sitting cross legged.

"What's up?" I asked with a small smile, trying to hide any signs of my previous thoughts.

"Just checking to see how you were. We haven't really had much time to deep talk about everything yet. I figured now was a good time," he said with a warm smile.

"Oh... Okay. Well what do you wanna talk about specifically?" I ask.

"You know... Just about everything really. Xenophon. Running away. Where we are. Us maybe,"

"Ask away I guess," I say with a shrug.

"How do you feel about Xenophon as of now?"

"I don't know how to feel. He betrayed me. He broke our connection or whatever you call it. Honestly I feel neutral in my heart because the connection was broken but I still have feelings for him, you know? All I know is that I want to be wherever my baby and I will be safe and for now that is here," I say looking down to my hands as I fiddle with my thumbs.

"How long to you want to stay here? You only have a few months until you have your baby,"

"I'm not sure. I really like everyone here. I like everything here honestly. I feel like no matter what they'll be there for us and take care of us. Not to mention Zor has his mate here. It's become my new home as far as I'm concerned,"

"He will find you eventually. Even if you're not connected any more he will track either Zor, myself or your child down. We share blood, and he can find us that way,"

"He left me as far as I'm concerned now. My main priority is keeping my child safe and happy and healthy," I said as I looked up with a fire in my eyes. My child was my world now. I would tear heads off to keep him or her safe.

"Hey, can you tell if I'm having a boy or girl yet?" I ask with a small twinkle in my eye.

"I don't think I can, but I know Zor will be able to," he said with a shrug.

"Well then let's go!" I say jumping off the bed. I hear Thane chuckle as I run out of the room and his heavier steps fallowing me. I wait at the front door until Thane is next to me and I whip it open and we make our way to Mia's place.

We walk up to the house that looks similar to the one given to us and I hurriedly knock on the door multiple times. A moment later light footsteps that must belong to Mia approach the door and her smiling face opens it.

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