Forty Three- A Hard Goodbye

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My recovery went smoothly and Luminara was perfectly fine. As healthy as one hybrid baby could be at least. We were unsure if she'd shift like her father or stay in a human form forever.

After speaking to Xenophon and the doctor I learned that all dragon shifters shift for the first time between the ages fourteen to eighteen, meaning we wouldn't know until those ages passed if she too would shift.

Two days after my delivery the representatives arrived back. They informed us that one had stayed behind as a request by the resistance to assure our return. They told us the resistance had their main base in the forests of upstate New York near the Adirondack mountains. They had several other smaller bases around the country, as they spread to find other survivors.

This meant the resistance was bigger than we ever even thought and it had an even stronger fighting chance. Especially with us, the allies, about to leave Dyspheria and make our way through space and to Earth.

I stood over my newborns cradle as she cooed at me, her big eyes flashing purple. Just yesterday we introduced her to the phoenix, lycans and other dragons who were part of the allies. To say everyone adored her and looked at her in wonder would be an understatement.

Everyone wanted to hold her, to touch her and talk to her. She was like a shining star in a world of darkness to so many, and I realized as I watched everyone interact with her that she would be that for her entire life.

As I watched Luminara look around in curiosity, Xenophon slipped into her room and wrapped his large strong arms around me.

"How are my two favorite women doing today?" he asked as he placed a warm tingly kiss on my cheek.

"We're good," I said as I turned around to him.

"It's almost time to go, love," he said, sadness and worry filling his words.

"I know," I said, looking back at Luminara. She was looking happily at Xen and I, another flash of purple coming into her eyes.

Xen stepped around me and leaned down, picking up the small baby in his large arms. She looked so small compared to his large frame.

"Daddy and Mommy have to go for a while baby but we promise to come home as soon as we can. We have to help some people and it's very important," he spoke to her as if she understood. Suddenly, her eyes flashed a baby blue instead of purple.

"It's okay, Lulu, we will be home. I promise," he said, holding the baby to him in a gentle hug. I walked over and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"We love you more than the world, baby. We'll see you soon," I promised, tears growing in my eyes. Xenophon placed a soft kiss on Luminara's forehead and she gave him a soft coo before he placed her down.

We gave each other sad looks, but turned around and left the room. We were met by Adina and Zandos in the hallway. The looks on their face told me they knew we'd just said our hardest goodbyes.

"We'll take care of her, Morgan. Don't worry," Adina said, wrapping me in a hug.

"I know," I said, a few tears escaping me. I pulled away and gave Zandos a farewell hug.

"Be careful. Go save your home," Zandos spoke with pride in his voice.

"We will," I said, confidence in my tone.

Xenophon gave his parents hugs and a kiss on his mother's cheek before we walked away, leaving our baby and the castle behind.

We flew to the base where we had landed our ship when we first came to Dyspheria. There, a group of allies stood, troops preparing by the hundreds behind them. In the group stood all of our friends and their mates alike. Lizzy, John, Bastian, Bex, Blayze, Azar, Thane, Mia, Zor, Zeek and Axa. We approached them and exchanged hugs as we all knew this would be dangerous, but we had to save Earth.

Malix took place as the main leader among us, as he was the millitary coordinator. He walked around, assigning everyone to ships. Slowly, everyone filed onto the giant ships in the base. Xen, Zor, Axa, Zeek, Mia and I were on one ship while the rest of our friends were on another.

The ship was huge to say the least, but it was necessary for the amount of travel and troops we had. Once settled onto the ships, we took off with a rumble, launching into space.

I held Xen's arm tightly as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. He could tell how nervous I was, and how anxious I was about leaving my precious little baby for months. I'd be missing her first months of life, but I knew it was for the greater good. Once we won this war, we'd have her whole life to enjoy her.

Once we stabilized in space, we made the switch to the fastest travel possible to assure we'd make it back on time to help the resistance with their war plan.

We were informed that the resistance leaders had been planning a major attack, but were still unsure if they could defeat the alien threat. Thanks to us allies, they were assured they would win. We were so confident in winning, most of the troops weren't even worried about going into battle.

I, on the other hand, was terrified. I had never fought in a war. I had to stay safe so I could return home to my precious Luminara. Thankfully though, I had been assigned a guard by the name of Rhysling. He was one of the most dangerous and well trained dragon shifter warriors the kingdom offered.

Of course, Zandos would only assign the best to me to not only protect me but Xenophon as well. If a shifter's mate died, they would go into a deep depression and eventually their heart would give out and they'd die alongside their late mate. Zandos also assigned a guard to Mia and Axa as well. The humans were given two guards by the phoenix as well.

Honestly, I was impressed with the unity formed by this whole event. All species of shifters and humans coming together to fight together was amazing in my eyes. It also helped the confidence that we would indeed win our war.

And no matter what, we WOULD win the war for Earth.

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