Fifteen- Someone New

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 When I awoke, my whole body was covered in sweat and tears were streaming down my face. I finally stopped to think about my entire situation between myself and the brothers.

They terrified me, that was a no brainer. Although, I sought comfort in Xenophon's arms, maybe even a bit in Zeek's too. Zor was more or less a body guard, but I used to be comfortable around him as well.

I had never thought I would be deep into a cave hiding from them. I mean, yes I was prepared to attack and run from every one of them when we first met, and I did not even know them then. Shit, I left all my friends to listen to these monsters. Maybe I should have stayed with them dispite my fear of them.

Thinking about my friends caused warm tears to swell into my eyes. They could all be dead for all I knew. I guess being with the brothers kept me busy and distracted enough that I did not think about my friends whom I had left too much.

Now I was faced with the fact that I was alone, in a dark cold ass cave with no food and nobody to make me feel better. Nobody was going to find me in here and comfort me while I cried, or keep me warm when I shivered.

Thinking of warmth made me think of Zeek and Xen. How warm their bodies were and how good they felt when I was cold. They did keep me safe and warm for however many days I was with them.

In a way, I almost missed them. Zeek's obnoxious comments and actions, Zor's grumpy stern face all the time, and Xen... I missed Xen the most, even though he had hurt me the most. I missed how he held me, how his lips felt on mine. I missed how he cooed me to sleep when I woke up crying and how he always made me feel safe.

I had to stop and wonder, maybe he missed me too. Was he searching for me? Would he cry without me, or be destroyed for the rest of his life if he never found me? Part of me even wondered... was he really a monster? If he kept me safe and acted like he cared, well maybe he did. Maybe he did care and was not a horrible creature of the night.

I must have sat and pondered my relationship with the boys for at least an hour, mostly thinking about Xen. I was knocked out of my mental thought bubble when I heard rocks being moved. Fuck! Had they found me?

I waited, keeping myself as quiet as I could. I heard the rocks from the first entrance being moved and thrown to the side of whoever was invading my hiding spot. I kept my mouth shut, a tear of fear slipping out of my eyes. I was practically holding my breath at this point.

I heard a set of footsteps enter the cave. I heard a low growl as something or someone searched just outside of my rock barrier.

"I know you're here," an unfamiliar voice pierced the silence.

My body instantly froze and I am sure my heart stopped beating the second the voice sliced through the silence. I kept hearing the footsteps, as if they were taunting me.

"Come out, little one," I heard. Though I did not recognize the voice, it was deep but did not sound menacing. Alas, I was not about to find out if it was sincere or not.

I heard my rock barrier begin to crumble. I began to panic, my heart beating out of my chest as tears began streaming from my eyes. Instinctively I pulled my knees to my chest and hid my face, covering my head with my arms. I was ready for an attack, whatever came really.

I thought of my life as I heard a cool gust of air pierce through the stagnant air of my small cave sanctuary. I held my breath, as the rocks stopped falling or being tossed away. After a moment of waiting, the voice spoke again.

"Little one, come out. I mean you no harm. You have my word," it said in a soft almost comforting voice. I was not about to trust it though.

I stayed put for a moment, but I heard the mysterious voice's owner crawl a bit closer and invade my hiding spot. I shot my head up and moved away so my back was to the wall. I was trapped.

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