Lock With No Key

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Explanantions for delays on my profile somewhere, and unedited so excuse mistakes? :( Sorry guys xx


The front door was knocking again. Again and again. Every day. Countless times.

I knew it was him.

I knew I couldn’t reach him.

All I could do was silently cry, sit and listen as those knocks echoed through my brain, ripping through my body like ten thousand scalpels. Tears had permanently engraved themselves into my cheeks, mirroring the claw lines on my bedroom door upon which I lay my head against, chest heaving with pain and longing.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please…

Sirens wailed down the street, the crashes against the door fading away as I forced myself to the window, watching as a tall hooded figure ran down the street, spinning into a side ally and disappearing.

Accel. My heart wailed as my teeth bit down on my fist, reopening puncture wounds. So many parts of me were a mess, I was just an emotional wreck and yet, I could feel it fading away.

Everything fading away.

“Wait for me…”

I’ve been waiting, Accel. I’ve been waiting, but I don’t know how much longer I can last. Soon, I will be nothing. It’s like a wave of blackness building and building, just waiting to swamp over me. Turning my body, I slumped until my back was pressed against the door of my bedroom, listening to the person outside the door pause, fiddling with the deadlock on my bedroom door and then walk away.

“Wait for me…”

Two weeks. Two weeks it had been like this. The first week I was angry, furious. Screaming, fuming, violently destroying anything in my path. I had fought and fought, desperate to escape the house so I could run and find him. So I could never leave his side again. I barely remembered anything. It was just a haze of pain, hate and desperation.

When I came to I was terrified.

My merge had taken over.  My merge had taken over for an entire seven days.

Water was gushing over me, ice cold as I sat, gasping in the bathtub, my father’s anger radiating in waves as he loomed over my slumped, drenched and violently shivering figure. The cold marble surrounding me was hard against the flesh of my body, some places throbbing from when I had obviously been thrown in. All I could remember was this pounding in my head; thump, thump, thump. My cheek ached and I touched it with trembling fingers, feeling the swelling and tender skin. Someone had hit me. My father had hit me. Panic rose in my gut as I blinked past the falling ice water, trying to speak to the man in front of me but my throat burned in agony, my voice nothing but a barely audible rasp. I choked as I tried to inhale, water forcing it’s way down into my lungs. What is going on?! Fear and confusion filled my gaze as I stared at him with wide eyes, coughing and rasping helplessly. Finally the water stopped when dad turned the taps, my clothes clinging to me, chilling my already frozen body.

His voice when he spoke was calm, calm but deadly. As if a mere blink from me would send him reeling into some unprecedented rage.

“You will stop this. Now. No more screaming. No more violence. No more looking for your precious ‘boyfriend’-“

The venomous mocking was enough for the emotion to roil up inside me, a burning desperation forcing me to defend and protect. Protect what was precious to me.

“Don’t…” I managed to gasp out before an angry hand reached out and roughly wrenched my head back by my hair.


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