Watch Us Fall All Over Again

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Streetlights shimmered softly in the rain that danced down from the sky, shedding broken light over the silent road. Only the sound of our laughter and our footsteps could be heard as Accel chased me down the lonely street. My heart was beating heavily in my chest, a giddy grin plastered over my face as laughter burst from me whenever he would catch me and spin me around before placing my feet back on the wet pavement. Stars were dull above us, however their brilliance overthrown by manmade light and shadows exaggerated in the dark. My lanky frame skipped and jumped, tripping over itself every few seconds. It would have been dangerous had Ace not been there to catch me every time I nearly fell.

It felt like I was flying.

Spinning around a final time I came to a stop, my eyes gazing over Accel’s features, catching on the tiny droplets that decorated the tips of his hair.


“Your hair rained.” I spoke without thinking, sliding up to him and looping my arms around his waist. Can I have you now?  I bit my lip, staring into jade eyes, watching as the colour seemed to shift under my gaze. I loved the way he was smiling at me, the way he was simply holding me to him. As if he heard me his arms pulled me tighter against him, warmth growing inside me as a familiar fondness drove me to clutch at him desperately. I couldn’t stand the thought of him pulling away.

“You idiot,” he murmured in my ear, but I could hear the laughter as I frowned, blushing when I realized my mistake.

“Oops.” He simply kissed me softly, finding my lips with his own and melting me within a second. Why did no-one love you Accel? How could no-one love you? Fiercely I poured my entire heart into the embrace, every inch of me burning for him. I refused to let him go, even when he went to pull away I simply forced him back, burying my hands in his hair and wrapping my legs around his waist when he lifted me up. Hot lust surged between us as I surrendered to him, letting his tongue sweep seductively over my bottom lip, gasping as he demanded entrance. Happily I obliged, clinging to him as he finally broke the kiss, burying his head into the crook of my neck and inhaling deeply. I could feel the slight pressure whenever he feathered a small kiss over the gentle skin, tracing the line of my shoulder with his lips when the sleeve fell to expose pale skin.

“I love you,” I whispered, tugging at his hair until he looked into my eyes. Raven hair shaded his face and I moved it gently, stroking his cheeks and just looking at him. He was so beautiful. “I love you.”


Closing my eyes I sunk into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my forehead on his. Before I could react, Accel kissed me quickly, the tiniest gesture that meant everything. My heart ached for him, even when he was standing right beside me, or holding me in his arms. I needed him so much, I was so happy when I was with him. I was so at peace.

“You’re all I live for,” he spoke against my lips, every word sending tiny shivers over my body. “You’re everything I have now Princess.”

Slowly he set me down, still holding me as close as possible and we swayed. Swayed to a beat that only we could hear, only we could feel in our bones. Our hearts beat in time, a synchronised love that I felt no-one could understand. We swayed together, merely listening, touching, holding.

We danced for the first time that night, under the streetlights as soft rain drifted around us.

We danced and I never fell.


At two o’clock in the morning, two love struck teenagers finally tumbled through the front door, shaking rain out of damp locks and Accel dumping his jacket over the back of a kitchen chair. The warmth of the house surrounding us soaked straight through to my slightly chilled bones, soft and yellowed lighting cast over the kitchen. Accel leaned against the counter and we merely stood for a moment, breathing heavily, a grin tugging lazily at pouted lips as his jade gaze wandered over every part of my body. The burning in my cheeks was almost instantaneous as I felt a familiar hitch in my breathing, the little kick deep in my gut. I wanted his hands on me, to feel him rather than this heated staring. Get him a drink or something idiot, don’t just stand and gawk. Blushing furiously I excused myself, a sense of deja-vu creeping icily over my skin.

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