Chapter 37

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Song Of The Chapter: Dye My Hair by ALMA

Luke was stood in the small chapel, wearing his best suit. He was stood next to his nervous best friend who was picking at his nails.

Michael was sat at the front, quietly giggling at Calum, and at Luke for his failed attempts at calming him down.

Suddenly, All My Love starts playing and everyone in the small little building turns to see Caitlin slowly walking down the aisle, a beautiful silver dress wrapped around her petite body.

While everyone was looking at Caitlin, Michael turned back to look at Calum. A huge smile plastered on his face, all the nervousness that ones filled his brown eyes, now replaced with love. Michael watched as a small teensy tiny tear was threatening to spill from the Maori mans eyes, only to be stopped by Calum wiping it away.

Finally, Caitlin reached Calum down by the alter. Luke took a few steps to sit next to Michael, and while the ceremony was going on, Luke intertwined his fingers with Michael's.

Michael never thought he'd like weddings. He never really understood the purpose of them, but watching Calum and Caitlin declare their love for each other put something into perspective for him. They are in love and for now that's enough, because they have built a life together and they want to spend every single moment of their lives together.

"Caitlin, it's no secret that I loved you a long time before I said it. But you were so modest, you thought you weren't good enough for me. In reality, you're the best thing to ever happen to me. I know you hate clichés so I will skip the whole to have and to hold thing. Your so intelligent but so dumb, you're so funny but so strange, you're so observant yet you're so oblivious the the obvious sometimes. They're the little things I love about you. I want you in my life forever, I want us to grow old together." Calum makes his vows to Caitlin.

"Calum, ever since I met you, I always felt that little cliché spark they talk about in books and movies. I literally thought I was having a heart attack and was going to die when you told me you loved me and my chest did that thing where it goes all tight and you wanna scream. I'm not the most romantic person, but I love you, always and forever."

The ceremony went on, and Michael's grip on Luke's hand became tighter. Luke always knew that he wanted to marry Michael, but sat watching his best friend give his life to the person he loves makes him want to give Michael his everything.

Michael, in his head, wanted the day to be about his two friends. But, his mind kept going to what himself and Luke could be.

As Calum and Caitlin were sealing the deal, and placing delicate gold bands on each other's fingers, Luke watched the nerves in his best friends eyes turn to happiness. As Caitlin had always made him happy, Luke could see how excited he was to spend his whole life with the woman he loved.

As the groom kissed the bride, Michael felt something in his stomach erupt into butterflies. He was in love, not only with Luke. He was in love with the feeling of joy and hope in the air.

Michael thought about his happiness with Luke. Happiness should never be the goal. Hope should, but happiness shouldn't. If it comes along then that's the greatest thing that could be, but the feeling of searching and finding hope, feels so much better.

Michael feels his hope and happiness for Luke. They belong with each other.

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