Chapter 7

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Song of the Chapter: Fireflies by Owl City

Luke wondered why Michael hadn't rung him in the past month. Maybe he was away on business abroad, and maybe it would cost to much to call. Either way, it made Luke very sad. So sad in fact, that he even asked about him in the hotel he was staying at to try and get his contact information. Except when he went over there and asked the hotels receptionist replied to him with, "That scumbag? No contact information and probably skipped town by now."

Luke didn't exactly know how to react to that. But Calum has kept pestering him about what was up. Luke never even said Michael's name. Calum had taken Luke out for dinner to try cheer him up. Luke looked around the restaurant with strange eyes, eyes that didn't really feel anything. That wasn't like Luke. Calum followed Luke's eye line over to a man sat by the window by himself eating. The tanned boy had never seen the bald man in his life.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Luke whisper yelled at the man.

"Don't talk to me like I'm a piece of shit. I'm here for a very good reason, in fact I was coming to see you later. But I guess you don't want to see me, so no point in telling you why." David spoke to Luke like he was a child, Calum didn't know how to react to the stranger sat under Luke's angry gaze.

"Your mother is dead, Luke. She left everything she had in her will for you."

Luke's world froze. He felt his body weaken, how could his father be so nonchalant about the situation. He felt his eyes start to water, but by from sadness, from not blinking in forever. Luke held his breath unconsciously, until to point he gasped and the whole world went fast forward by 3 minutes.

"You pig." Luke screamed, ripping his mothers last testimony out of his dick of a father's hands. He suddenly felt a hard crack to the jaw and fell to the floor not knowing what happened next.

Luke shot up in his bed, safe and sound in his dorm with Calum sat next to him reading from a small paper file. Calum hasn't realised Luke was awake and Luke studied the way he tightened and loosened his jaw when he read, the way his glasses had fallen to the end of his nose letting him look down comfortably.

"I shouldn't be reading this." Calum sighed, handing the file over to Luke's shaky hands. Luke gazed at Calum's hands seeing a few small grazes on his knuckles, it all hit Luke all at once. His mother was dead. Tears fell and crashed to the floor, the room felt like it has been shaken from an earthquake, Luke was now officially broken, he wished he told her everything he needed to say to her. For Luke, his life was over.

"She didn't say goodbye. I didn't tell her how thankful I was of her protection. Calum, my mother's dead." Luke whispered, trying to keep his sobs to a minimum. Then every wave in the the ocean came crashing down at the same time and Luke just couldn't stop crying.

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