Chapter 46

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Song Of The Chapter: It Can't Happen Here by Frank Zappa (The Mother's of Invention)

"The love we share with not only each other - but our beautiful children - is more important to me than my life. I would give my life for my family - and I hope you realise that." Luke whispered, he didn't get an answer.

"Our little girl had our grandchild yesterday. I cant believe you missed it." Luke still didn't get a reply.

"Maybe you were there." He places his warm hand on the cold stone.

"You were my miracle, Mike. Give me one last miracle please." Luke's hand slowly became the same temperature as the stone.

"It's all I ask from you." Luke's voice cracks.

"Don't be dead."

Luke's eyes scan over his late lovers name. His fingers trace each gold painted letter. His knees becoming damp from the dewy morning grass as he knelt down.

Luke did this everyday, he always begged for that one last miracle.

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