Chapter 1

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America's POV 

Maxon and I just got married! I just can't believe it, Maxon is perfect! Today we are going on our honeymoon in Hawaii. I've decided to pack light, I have a feeling we'll be doing a little bit shopping. I feel something on my back. What could it be......hmmmm maybe my Maxon?

"Hello Maxon." I say as I roll my eyes

"How'd you know it was me?" He asked

"It's pretty obvious." I say as I turn around and kiss him on the cheek. "So when do we leave?"

" I believe we are leaving right now." I say with a smirk on my face as I pick her up bridal style.

"Maxon! Put me down!" I plea.

"Nope! Not until I know that you are safe in that plane!" He replies. I try to wiggle out, but he's relentless, so I give up and give an exaggerated sigh. He laughs in return. 

"Look! There's the plane!" I've only ridden a plane once, when I came to palace  for the selection. That seems like such a distant memory now. I wish Celeste were still alive.

"Honey? Why are you sad? This is suppose to be fun!" Maxon gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"I was just thinking of Celeste." I reply

Maxon sets me down in a seat on the plane. "Listen, I know that you miss Celeste, I do as well. But this is our honey moon dear, will you please be happy at least for these few days?"

"Oh Maxon, how could I say no?" I kiss him. It turns into more than I expected, but how could I stop now? The kiss gets more passionate, and maxon pulls away just to breath for a few seconds, before he comes back and we stay like that for what feels like an eternity. It feels like the rest f the world has stopped, and it's only us Until I hear the voice of Mary over the plane speaker.

" um excuse me but everyone needs to take their seats as the plane will be taking off very soon." I hear a giggle before she turns the intercom off again. Oh Mary, I just love her to death. 

Maxon am nd I take our seats and put our seat belts on. Then I rest my head in maxons shoulder then Maxon whispers into my ear, " I love you."

"I love you more." And I give him a kiss on the cheek before drifting off to sleep for the long plane ride. 

———— TIME SKIP (3 hours) ———

I wake up to maxons labored breathing, and I give him a kiss on the cheek waking him up.

"Hello my dear." He whispers

"Don't even start." I replied

Mary came on over the intercom again "your magesties, May I present to you..... Hawaii!"

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