Chapter 10

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Maxons POV

America uncovers the test, and it's positive!!! I lift America up and twirl her around! "America we are going to be parents!" I set America down and kiss her long and hard.

"Maxon, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear this words." My face started to hurt so much from smiling. Then I realized, what if I'm like my father? "Maxon what's wrong?"

My face goes pale. "America what if I'm like my father? What if I hurt our child? What if I hurt you?"

"Oh Maxon be quiet, you will be the most kind, caring, loving dad any child has ever had!" She pulls me into a hug.

"America we should go to see doctor Ashlar!"

"Your right, we need an ultrasound to confirm it!" So we both head down stairs to the hospital wing. We walk in.

"Hello my majesties, how may I help you today?"

"Well" America replies, "I took a test, and it was positive! But we wanted an ultrasound to make sure."

"Of course! There's no such thing as being too safe!" He lifts up America's shirt and puts the jelly in her stomach. Then he takes a stick and rubs it on her belly. "Ok right now it doesn't look like much, you guys caught it really early. So it's just a cluster of cells right now."

"Ok, so there is a baby in there?" I ask.

"Yes there is!" He replies. He wipes the gel off of America's stomach. Then I kiss her stomach.

I whisper on her stomach, " your going to grow up in a loving home, young one." America stands up and hugs me, and we walk outside hand in hand smiles plastered on our face.

"Maxon! My family's coming over tonight! We could invite Marlee and Carter, and aspen and Lucy, then tell everyone there!"

"It's perfect!"

———time skip to dinner———

America and I stand up. I click my spoon on my glass before speaking. "Hello everyone! We are so glad you all came here tonight!"

America takes over from there, " we have a very special announcement to share with all of you tonight," I put my hand on America's stomach and we both scream, " We're having a baby!" May instantly runs up to us.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Then she gives both of us a big bear hug, and then she kisses America's stomach as her way of giving the baby a hug.

Then Marlee walks up to us, "eeee! I'm so excited for y'all! But Carter and I have something to share with y'all too!"

"Well what is it?" America asks.

"We're having a baby too!"

"No way! Our kids could grow up together, and eventually get married!" I chuckle at that. Then they run off to talk to Kenna and magda. And I head off to talk to Carter and Gared. It was a great night if celebrating 2 new life's that we're going to be brought into the world in the next 9 months.

———— 2 months later————

I wake up and America's not there, weird. "Maxon wake up! We have an ultrasound in half an hour."

"Alright me dear let me grab some clothes."

"Maxon don't even start." I grab my suit for the day and meet america out in the hall. This appointment is exciting because America seems bigger than someone who was 2 months pregnant should be. We walk down to the hospital wing, and Dr. Ashlar was there waiting for us.

" Hello America and maxon, ready to see your baby?" We both give a nod, we've been waiting for months now to finally see our baby. He lifts up her shirt. I hate when he does that, I should be the only one who can do that. But at least it means I can see my baby. He puts the jell on and moves the stick around. Then before we can see anything. He turns the t.v off so we can't see the ultrasound, and turns the monitor away from us. America gives me a concerned glance. I squeeze her hand in return. Well Maxon and America............

"I have good news and bad news."

" ok give us the bad news first so the good will balance it out." America pleads.

"Well.....bad news is, this is a high risk pregnancy."

"Ok, what's the good news Ashlar?" I see a tear slip down America's face as one does the same on mine."

"Good news is, your having quintuplets!"

Both mine and America's jaws drop. She forgets about the jell on her stomach, and gets up and hugs me. Then I give her a long and passionate kiss. Then I give her 5 kisses on her stomach, one for each of our children. "Maxon how are going to tell-" I cut her off with a long and passionate kiss.

Hey guys! Hope you like this! Thank you so much for 60 reads! I want to give credit for my inspiration, the YouTube channel Five 2 love! They are a family of 9, who have quints. They are the cutest babies ever!

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