Chapter 14

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America's POV

After Dr.Ashlar came in, Maxon told him what happened. And then before I could even give Maxon a hug before going in, they wisked me away to the prepared c-section room. I'm really nervous. Why did they take me into surgery so fast?

Dr.Ashlar walks in, "Alright so we've evaluated the babies, and you will need to go into emergency c-section in the next five minutes." I'm so scared this is the scariest thing I have ever done!

"Well can Maxon be in here?"

"Yes he can. Would you like me to go get him?"

"Yes please!" Dr. Ashlar walks out. Then the nurses bring me to a table that has a big blue sheet that keeps me from seeing my stomach.

"Alright" a nurse says, "you will be awake during the procedure, but you will be numbed."

"Ok thank you. May I ask why is there  a blue sheet so I can't see?"

"Trust me, you don't want to watch this." We share a good laugh. Then my head is taken over by thoughts.
What if they die because of me?

What if I die?

What if Maxon passes out?

What if the doctors mess up?

What if I lose only one?

All those thoughts go away when Maxon walks in. "Maxon!" He comes over to give me a hug, since I can't move.

"Are you all right my dear?"

"Don't call me your dear!" I give him a playful glare.

"That is a Yes then, I'm assuming?"

"Yes" He gives me a quick kiss.

"Maxon will you stay by me the whole Time!?"

"Yes America, I want you as comfortable as possible."

"Alright we are going to start the procedure now." Dr. Ashlar says. I give Maxon's hand a tight squeeze, I'm really nervous. I can hear them cutting things and lots of other sounds I'd rather not describe. Then I hear it, the cry of our first child,. "

"It's a boy!" A nurse exclaims. I give Maxon an excited glance.

"Maxon, would like to cut the umbilical cord?" Dr. Ashlar asks.

"It would be my honor." He goes and cuts it, and comes back with a pale face. "That was not a pretty sight" that makes me laugh. I've got one down, four to go. Then I hear it again, my second child's cry, it's so beautiful.

"It's a girl!" The nurse exclaims. I give Maxon a big grin!

"Great! That means there will be a mini you running around." Maxon whispers in my ear.

Then the third! "It's a girl!"

Then the fourth, "it's a girl!"

Then the fifth, "it's a girl!"

"Well Maxon looks, like we have one boy who will forever be tormented by his sisters." That gets a laugh out of him,

"Well at least he has a sibling, or 4" we kiss before Maxon goes to look at our children. I have to wait until they sew me back up.  About 45 minutes later, they permit me to look at my children.

"Maxon, they're so small."

"Yes they are my dear, but they're perfect. Just like you." Then he gives me a kiss on the head.

"Maxon! We have to choose names!"

"Oh I forgot about that!"

"We should name one of the girls after your mom!"

"And our son after your dad!"

"I love that!" We discus names for about an hour before we decide on

Shalom Henry Schreave: 2 lbs 3 oz, has honey blonde hair like Maxon, and crystal blue eyes like America

Amberly Crystal Schreave: 3lbs exactly has brown hair with a hint of red and brown eyes like Maxon

Elaine Estelle Schreave: the runt of the five weighing 1 lb 15oz has red hair like America, and green eyes

Sophie Layne Schreave: weighs 2 lbs 7 oz with dark brown hair and brown eyes

Hailey Jane Schreave: weighs 2lbs 5 oz with beautiful red hair, and Maxon's brown eyes.

"Maxon they're perfect." I give home a kiss on the lips.

"And good news is that Brice can take care of the country for another week, which means we get a week together with our children."

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