Chapter 11

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Maxons POV
Today we are going to see DrAshlar for some safety measures and an ultrasound of our 5 prince or princesses or both. Then we will be announcing it on the report, Even though America is only about 13 weeks along, she looks like she is 23. And we figured, people would figure it out if we didn't come clean now. I've been trying to lighten her load and tell her to relax, but she refuses. I know the babies are putting a lot of pressure on her, both mentally and Physically. We've felt baby A kick. It was the coolest feeling ever, to feel your child's first movement in your wife's stomach.

"Maxon, lets go!" America pleads, "I can't wait to see the babies again!" We invited her family to come to the ultrasound part, that's how we plan to announce the quints to them. And then Marlee will stay during the safety precautions, because she's in charge of America and making sure that she does what she's told.  We walk to the hospital wing. When we walk in we see the table set up and Dr. Ashlar waiting for us.

"Hello Maxon, America, America's family, and Marlee." It's kinda cramped even though we used the biggest room. But it's ok. I know america likes her family being able to see it. He puts the gel on her stomach and moves it around with the stick. I brought my camera with me so I could capture the look on our families face whenever they saw the ultrasound. Their jaws dropped when they saw 5.

Magda was the first to speak up, " Five? Five? Oh America! I'm so happy for you!" She comes over to give us both a hug.

After the shock settled in May became herself again, " OMG!!! I'm going to have 5 more nieces and nephews!!!" She comes over and hugs us, while still being careful of America's bump.

Then Kenna walked over, " little sis, you know your going to have your hands full." She gives us a playful glare.

America replies, " that's what older sisters are for." Kenna gives us both a hug. Then Gared comes over, the Marlee.

"Alright gang, lets leave these 2 to their business. We can talk more later." She gives us a wink. America  rolls her eyes.

Dr.Ashlar begins, " Alright so before we start I need to let you know something. So that way you will take this advice very seriously." He eyes America, she blushes back. "There is only a 1% chance that all 5 will live." Only 1%!? I want to meet and raise all 5 of my children. "But thanks to our amazing technology here at the castle it's one more of a %5 chance."

"Alright thanks for some more hope." America replies. I squeeze her hand to comfort her more.

"Now the precautions, Maxon and Marlee make sure you hear these. Because we know one person has A very likely chance of tuning me out," He eyes America again. "1st of all you are put on strict bed rest." I can see Americas jaw drop, she hates to be stuck in one place for too long. "Now you still need to move around, so you will be allowed to eat in the dining hall. But you must have Marlee, Maxon, or a guard with you at all times. Then you must eat the meals that I plan for you. It will give all the babies the nourishment they need. Feel free to indulge on your cravings in between meals. Now three more things you need to know. Since there are 5, when the water breaks with one you will immediately be brought to the hospital wing. But it may be another week or two until you actually give birth. So Maxon you might make plans to have someone take over for a couple of weeks so you can be by your wife's side."

"I definitely will, I'm not missing a second of my children's birth!" I reply.

"Great!" He replies, "Now when its time to give birth, it will be a C-section." I see America's face turn pale, " but don't worry, we have professionals and the most  updated equipment on hand at all times. Now after they are born they will probably me in NICU for 2 months. So you may plan rotations so that one of you can be here at all times."

Marlee finally speaks up, "And hey if you ever need me or carter to take a shift we will." She sets her hand on America's reassuring her.

"Thank you Marlee ." Then they hug, why do girls always solve things with a hug?

———skip to the report———

"Hello illea! And welcome to the report! Today I've heard that the king and queen have a very special announcement! Please help me welcome King Maxon, and Queen America to the stage!" Gavril practically yells.

We walk on. America's maids made a dress that shows her bump so they have an idea once we walk in. "Yes Gavril, we do have a very special announcement!"

"I'm pregnant!" America yells.

"I don't mean to be rude my queen, but you look really big. How far along are you?"

"Well Gavril that's a very good question," America replies, "I'm only 13 weeks, but I'm so big, because we are expecting quintuplets!" I hug America from the side, to avoid her bump. While the audience goes wild. Then I kiss her stomach 5 times making them go crazy all over again.

"But," I reply, "This is a very high risk pregnancy. There is a %5 chance of them all living. But with our castle technology I think we will be able to ensure all 5 of them living!" They all cheer again. And I give America a kiss. It feels so good to feel that weight lifted off our shoulders.

Hey guys! What did you think? I had so much fun writing this chapter! I hope you enjoy it! Next weekend I will not be updating because we will be taking a mini family vacation. But I plan to update 3 times this week to make up for it!

                                           Love Ya! 💕

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