What Just Happened

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Walking up to the counter, I take a deep breath and swallow to get myself together. I quickly look at T goofy ass chewing her gum in slow motion, I just knew I was tripping and had to pull it together. He smiled and why, for me to soak my panties, when I had to go to Walmart and buy me some more panty liners. I just used my last one a hour ago. Beautiful smile with deep dimples, lord did you create him just for me. Good morning miss, he waited for my response, Ms. Raina I extended my hand, good morning, welcome to LuxeBooks, how may I help you today? Mr., you can call me J. I'm very well actually knowing that this is the place I need to be. And what make you say that I ask. Well, its not everyday you come across an author who's book you've been reading intrigue you so much. I've been following this author work for a good six months now and I've fallen in love with her words. Falling in love! T over there on the couch shouting out being nosy. Excuse my employee for her rudeness. No, its fine, let me explain. See all I can do is read her words, and how she expresses her mind. I could say I can relate and feeling everything she writes. I could say that person is a person I would love to meet one day and tell them they are very talented. Okay, I guess I'm following what your saying. So, would you like to tell me the authors name, so I can help you with the book you are looking for. Unfortunately, as you can see, I don't carry the authors in my store. Oh! So now your being funny with a serious look on your face. I couldn't help but smile at him, he felt so comfortable, even though he's a complete stranger. Maybe a little, I start laughing. Okay so how about this, you are very talented, and I am honored to see you face to face. Excuse me, another heart dropping moment. What made you think its me? Well for one, you introduced yourself as Ms. Raina which is on these business cards right here. Am I right? Me being such a smart ass, and nervous as I was, I was off my square because the cards are in plain sight. Yes you are correct, and thank you for taking the time out to read my book, better yet buying it. No problem miss lady. So, is their anything else I can help you with? Actually, not at the moment, I've done what I needed to do here today. I would like part two of you book if that's not too much to ask. That's kind of a issue right now because I am currently writing that second part. Okay well maybe one day over dinner we can talk about what you've written so far. That's a kind gesture and I would like to think about that, I'm kind of fresh around here to be dating. I can respect that so check this out, I'm not from here either, but here often. I'm heading out of town for he next few days, but may I please take you out when I return? After the first time we made eye contact I was like ole girl from the movie coming to America, whatever you like. Yes, you may, especially due to your manners. I don't know why I'm giving this man a hard time when I'm not doing nothing else with myself but work. I need some kind of fun, its been a minute since I dated. Hey, my mama didn't raise no fool, he said in a sarcastic way, and I noticed his sense of humor, I loved it and wanted to be around him more for some reason. It was very nice meeting you, you ladies enjoy the rest of your day and keep up the good work, this place speaks for itself. Thank you again J, see you soon miss Raina. See you later mystery man Taylor shouts out as he walks out the door. I really wish she conduct herself and stop embarrassing me. He walks away leaving me speechless, on top of that horny as hell! After that thought runs through my mind I slow all the way down and stop to take a breather. My heart is about to jump out of my chest. I've ran every mile I could thinking about him. Feeling in need of some hydration, I reach down to slip off my right shoe for some cash. I'll put a couple of bucks on me to stop at a store. Being on the opposite side of the strip I cross over to the gas station. 

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