Chapter three

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The next morning, was blissful,after a short prayer, I rose up to welcome the new day,I glanced around my large sized bedroom,almost the size of a small house, and I spotted the clock hung on the wall,it read 3:30am,I quickly got into the bathroom and freshened up,after freshening up I got up close to the side of my room where there was a switch and a little microphone, leaning into it I pressed down the switch and whispered,"coffee ".and in three minutes my coffee was on a tray on the hands an elderly lady,in a uniform.

"Goodmornung miss Katherine". She greeted as she bowed her head towards me.

"Yes,yes Good morning Mrs Grace". I replied as she quickly lay the tray on the bed sheets.

"How was your night miss Katherine".she asked politely not looking at me in the face.

"Oh well it was fantastically exhausting,in all we thank God".I spoke as I glanced at the window and the curtains,quickly I heard a shot of the door,Mrs grace must have left now,I strode towards the bed to get my coffee.
After coffee,I step out to the hall way, out of the sitting room and into the elevator,why is there an elevator you might ask,well its pretty simple,I live at work in the topmost floor and my office is just a floor away, although my house is very big and classy,I had only three rooms,three large room,a kitchen and a closet room,where of course I keep all my............secret files,not clothes .the clothes are kept in my room.

As the elevator opened up,I glanced at the hallway where my workers were busing working,or were they....

"MARTINS". I screamed at one of my employer who was sleeping on his desk,on his files and he was drooling,on my files,on duty, ahhh how professional, my voice might have woken him up as he sat up and looked at everyone who had stop working and were focussed on him,but as soon he saw me he almost choked,he knew our policy,you never sleep on your job,I repeat,You Never Ever Sleep on your job.

"Martin,what were you doing". I knew it was obvious what he was doing but I wanted him to say it himself.

"Nothing madam,I..........em.......err.......I.......was.......em.......meditating.........yes I was meditating.......". He lied, while everyone around me laughed,but I didn't even smile at all,when the others saw my face they stop laughing and went back to staring at the both of us.

"Meditating,hmm!!,and if I may ask what were you meditating on". I said as I watched him tremble with fear.

"Errr...........well......madam..........the thing is I........was em". He stammered.

"Sleeping,right". I completed his statement and shot him my red eye." How dare you sleep in this company,on DUTY,what are you?? sleeping beauty ".I heard some people giggle around me but I wasn't done with him yet." Well sleeping beauty am am no Prince, and I am definitely not going to kiss you,you hear me,now GET BACK TO WORK".I ordered as he blushed profusely and like a machine he went back to work.

As I walked on,I heard laughter behind me and some workers calling martin sleeping beauty,but I couldn't care less,he definitely deserved it .

As I entered my office, I slammed my self on the blue couch and grab a magazine to read,about to open it there was a bang on the door.

Looking up I saw Gaston,looking like he was about to wet his pants, he gave me a weak smile.

"Sorry madam for my intruding". He said with worry spread across his face.

"Oh, Gaston when don't you ever intrude".I said sarcastically and he gave me another weak smile."well come on in Gaston,and stop dawdling will you".I spoke again as he rushed in and stood before me."so,speak".I said as he immediately started speaking.

"Well madam its your associate". He said,as he faced downwards,never looking even once at me.

"Don't tell me another associate is dead". I said again sarcastically which made him giggle, but after looking at me his face froze." Oh was that funny Gaston".I asked and he waved his head in fear.

"Well madam,the thing is,Mr Riddicks son is back". He said shyly.

"Oh is he now".I asked and he shook his head at me."and what do you suggest I do, bow before him".I asked as he widened his eyes at me like I had asked him if his wife was cheating.

"No madam,of course not madam,certainly not madam,negative-------

"Yes,yes I get your point Gaston,and stop sweating when the AC is on,its weird". I said jokingly and he just kept sweating .you see the thing is after becoming very successful I found out that everyone around became scared of me,and well I wouldn't blame them,they have seen what I am capable of,so I didn't blame Mr Gaston for always looking scared around me.

"Well.........em..........the thing is Madam, Mr Riddick's son is coming here tomorrow". He said.

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