Chapter 48

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Oh no Paula.

She lay there as blood splashed form her shoulder down her gown.
I rushed to her and held her hands as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Paula stay with me".I told her as she blinked.

Clinton also rushed to her side as she lay there almost lifeless.

"Mum stay with me,okay,don't you dare close your eyes". Clinton begged his shaking mother.

Out of the corner of my eyes,I could sense a movement,the shooter wants to strike again.

Not on my watch.

Swiftly I pulled out the gun I hid in my bra,and shot and with a thud,the man held his bleeding leg,everyone's attention was now centered in me and the man I just shot.

"Arrgh". He yelled as he held his leg.

"Who sent you here".I asked him.

"The boss".he said scared.

"Why did you shoot her". I asked.

"I was aiming for that man". He pointed at Clinton who was staring at me shocked.

"Clinton call the police and the ambulance". I yelled at Clinton as he looked at the gun in my hand,then he quickly dialled 911 as well as the ambulance.

"Paula look at me,you're gonna make it,trust me".I told her sleeping form as I stood up to leave.

"Katherine where are you going". Clinton asked.

"Stay with your mum clin,I'll be back". I told him as I left.

Matured content approaching.
Under 18 please do not read.
Be a good child :)

I burst through the gates of the man I loathe,as I walk in with so much anger,enough to set a house on fire.

"Madam you can't just walk in here".a security guard said as he approached me,with ease I point the gun to Hus head as he bowed.

"Try and stop me all of you".I screamed at all of them as they stepped aside for me to pass.

I opened the door of the castle like mansion and walk through he stairs to the study,where I was sure I'll find him.

I found him, sitting on his chairs like a king in his large study room,he wasn't an old man,although he had few strains of white hair,he was still very good looking, he was aging properly.

"Love you came". He said as I walked up to him and slapped his cheeks,hard.

"My feisty senora'.he smirked as he touched his cheeks and chuckled.

"How could you do that to her". I asked with pure rage.

"Oh forgive my gun man,he must have missed the target". He said as he touched my cheeks.

"Don't touch me you bastard,you could humiliate me as much as you want but when it comes to the people I love,I'll make sure you regret it". I said with pure anger.

"Really,so am not part of the people you love huh". He asked.

"You're not even part of the people I hate,I owe no emotions to you". I told him as he shaked his head.

"Really". He said as he stepped closer to me and I backed away.

"Really". I replied as he stepped closer again and I stepped back, only to be met by the edge of the table.

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