4 Months Later

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It has been 4 months since I've heard that we won't be playing in Battle Of The Bands because "I sold drugs to one of the contestants" which is totally bullcrap. The others were pretty pissed off about it, but luckily it was the school break and we didn't come face-to-face because that would be pretty awkward. Anyway I was back to living with my dad... yay. I was walking back home from the shops and into the house where my dad was fixing the kitchen sink. He heard me when I walked in, giving me a death glare. 

"Wish you would've stayed there," He said.

"It's been a week, daddy," I said.

"Should've been more," He said. "Now get out of here!"

"Wish you would instead," I mumbled as I was walking away, but he heard me.

"What!?" He shouted, and for once I wasn't scared of him so I turned back around.

"I said wish you would instead!" I said quite loudly, and he came running to me angrily.

"You don't talk to me like that!" He shouted. Then he slapped me across the face, making me fall to the ground. I cried out in pain and he grabbed my hair and slapped me again. As he was walking away I crawled to his toolbox and grabbed the hammer. I then turned around and threw it at his head which did get him. He fell to the ground, clutching his head in pain. I grabbed another hammer and threw it at his head. This one also got him but this time knocked him out cold. At first I thought I killed him until I saw him still breathing.


The police came and also child services. The child service company wanted to take me to an orphanage, which I had no choice but to do that, even if it means breaking up School Of Rock and never seeing my friends again. I felt like crying which is what I did. Looks like no more bass or enjoying more music rehearsal. I just have to find a way to tell the gang, but I just remembered we hadn't talked to each other for 4 months and imagine how awkward it would be when we come face-to-face. I ran upstairs to my room and buried my face into my pillow, crying my eyes out.


Clark was comforting me as I was sitting on his bed, but his sympathy seemed a little fake to me but I wasn't so sure. He then offered to go make some chocolate milk. As he was gone I went to my phone to play some games but when I turned it on I found a PDF file document that was titled 'Drug Sale Deal Documents' and that's when I remembered how I was accused of trying to sell drugs to one of the contestants in Battle Of The Bands, but I never did it. I looked in my history to kind of refresh my memory and it was there, sent on the 9th of August at 13:43, but then I saw above it that I searched up 'How to bake a cake' which was what Clark searched up but then I saw it was searched at the same time as the PDF file. It then all occurred to me. Then Clark came back into the room but was looking pretty nervous once he saw that I was holding my phone.

"What you doing, my love? He said.

"Nothing," I said, then showed the PDF file on my phone. "Explain this to me, please."

This only made him stutter nervously. "Uh... nothing."

"Really," I said sassly. "Well, it looks like a file you used to get us out of Battle Of The Bands."

"Pffft! No," He lied.

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah," He said, so I showed him the search history.

"Then why was it searched at the same exact time you were searching up how to bake a cake?" I asked, and I knew I've caught him.

"I can explain," He said

"No! I can explain why I should punch you in the face," I said, then I knocked the cup out of his hands and walked off but I forgot something. I walked back to him, and slapped him across the face, then walked off.

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