The First Rehearsal

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We all went back inside just after the awkward situation we found with Summer and Freddie and we were ready to practice 'Hammer to Fall' to play in the Battle Of The Bands and win it all. Everyone got there instruments and got into their positions and waited for Mr Finn to give us the sheet of the song. He got out some sheets and handed it to us, and it was the music for 'Hammer to Fall' which gave a chill of excitement to the whole band.

"Okay, Zack," Mr Finn said, looking at him. "You actually start us off by playing the first three notes. Can you play them for us?"

Zack nodded and did the riff that is heard in the song. I personally thought it was awesome but when I turned to Mr Finn to see if he agreed, he kind of winced.

"Not bad," Mr Finn said. "But try to put in more attitude."

Zack did it again and tried to put in more attitude but it just sounded the same.

"You can do it, man!" Mr Finn encouraged. "Try doing it again."

Zack did it once more and it did work out.

"Nice one, dude!" Mr Finn said, and he and Zack fistbumped each other. Then Mr Finn turned to Freddie. "Now, Freddie... after he does that riff I want you to pound on the drums just one beat, can you do that?"

Freddie scoffed. "Can I do that? Nah Mr Finn I just started drums this morning."

Mr Finn also scoffed. "Okay, don't need the attitude buddy."

"Sorry," Freddie said, then did as Mr Finn said and banged the floor tom as loud as how loud it has to be to make me almost deaf.

"Woah," Mr Finn scoffed, impressed. "Not bad Freddie, or should I call you Roger Taylor?"

Freddie chuckled. "Roger Taylor sounds way cooler!"

"Okay," Mr Finn said. "Nice one Roger Taylor."

"Can you call me Brian May?" Zack asked Mr Finn, feeling left out.

Mr Finn scoffed. "Why not? And we can call Tomika John Deacon."

"But I'm not a dude," I pointed out. "And how can you name me if I also sing, like Freddie Mercury did but also play the bass like John Deacon?"

Freddie then excitedly gasped. "Mercon!"

"Sorry, what?" Mr Finn asked.

"Mercon is a mixed between Mercury and Deacon," Freddie said. That did sound like an awesome name for me.

"Not bad," I said.

"What about me?" Lawrence asked, which made everyone stumble on a name for him since there are no keyboard players in Queen.

"Um... Larry!" I said, but all that did was make Lawrence left out.

"How about John Deacon?" Mr Finn attempted, and Lawrence shrugged.

"Better than nothing," Lawrence said.

"Anyway lets get back to the music," Mr Finn said. "So Brian May (Zack) do the guitar riff again and Roger Taylor (Freddie) bang the one beat again."

Zack and Freddie obeyed and they did the whole thing again, which made Mr Finn happy.

"Great!" Mr Finn exclaimed. "Now you have to repeat that four times but on the fourth time Roger Taylor (Freddie) has to bang the drum more than just one beat."

"How many times though?" Freddie asked.

"Well, it's hard to explain," Mr Finn said. Then he went behind his desk and tapped the keys on the keyboard of the computer and then later he turned on the projector and showed the film clip for 'Hammer to Fall'. He pressed play and left it on for 13 seconds to show what Freddie had to do.

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