Chappie 4

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I woke up from my comfy bed...maybe it time to said bye bye for a while...bcuz guess what? Today me and that cold moving to ours " own " house. !!!

I dont want to...-.-

" shit !!!!! " me screaming

" the heck it 7:50 am already?????? "

I realize that , that cold man is taking me today at 8:20 so i better be quick jizz !!!

Pheww...finnaly am done while his car is at downstair ...

" hi oppa " i smile widely to him

" hi -.- " him ... Replied me as fuck !

" get ready.."

" nee.." Carrying my thingyss...

\ we drive with silentness... /

We reach that a kind of villa but it really look nice

He open the lock and we both enter that house

We didnt deny to talk to each other...and it make feel anit alone but !! It ok now.. , cuz i can go to my room then sleep !!!

I look for my room...i go to that first room... It purple ahh~mrs hong really know what i want !!

I LOVE PURPLEE !!!! VIOLET BABYYXZ (A/N : stupid meh :P )

Then i pack my thing went down to cook some dinner

But he is there in the kitchen. He is now cooking

" umm~it smell so good oppaaaa !!! " i yell..xD

" turn down the volume ! " i said back coldly as ice...

" nee..mianhne " i sorry him

>fast forward>

Both of us finish ours dinner , while him go to find sth..

Later on he come back with 1 paper . I curious what would this be??

He hand me this... And i read it


1 . You must be clean this house

2 . You must take care of me

3 . You must cook every day meal

4 . Dont dare to get away from this house without permission

5 . Must call me " MASTER "

6 . Being my Slut or Slave

7 . Do what ever i wanted u to do

8 . Dont ever disobey me

9 . Dont dare to fall in love with me .

Minlee POV

" what the fuck !? " i not his slave..whyy would i do that??? Gezz stupid man ?

" i hate you " i murmured

He say :: " what??? "

Me " ani :) "

I have no idea what to say but i walk away with that paper in my hand... So went to my room .

It already late , i better go to sleep .

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