Dumped with no hope

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I got dumped by TEXT.What the hell?I was crying myself to sleep on the beach. Kokichi said he needed the whole room tonight because he and Shuichi are doing EXTREME BUTTSEX. In the text Kaede called me many things and it broke my heart. She also gave me a list of the last four exs.

1 and 2: Izuru Kamukura and Hijame Hinata(brothers from different mothers. Referred to as twins.)
3:Byakuya Togami
4: Junko Enoshima

It made a lot of sense that Togami and Junko were exs of Kaede. Togami would always bully me and say it smells like BROKE in here. Junko would push me into lockers and call me KINKY avocado man. It didn't make sense that the TWINS were exs. Hijame has always been nice to me and Izuru has always been calm and mature. Did this mean she dated them at the same time? I felt like Komaeda did, like SEXY,HOT TRASH .

"Don't worry friend I'll FILL you up with hope." AAAAAAAAAAAAA Nagito can read MINDS. That night I got the ultimate lucks SEED in me.....

"Oh hey reader I'm HOPING that this story will fill you up with hope. I ,Nagito Komaeda need your help. Just give me your cred........

Oh shit fiverr and Rantaro are awake! Until next time reader!"

School was a PAIN. I was being called names and people gave me looks. Someone covered my locker with the word CHILD FUCKER.My crew still hung with me. Ibuki was COOL with me. She wouldn't join our band until after the battle. My ass hurt and Nagito was giving me looks. I need to get him a BOYFRIEND fast. Chihiro was glaring at him almost as if he knew.

"Anyway we are going against those twins tonight. Rantaro we are going to need to DESTROY them. After that you have two more exs and we all will be done with this NON SENSE." Kokichi exclaimed as he was spoon fed by Shuichi. "That was a lie. This is actually really fun."

"Don't worry we'll defeat them and KAEDEAD will never be mentioned again."Chihiro CHEERED. I looked at the Hope gang. Keebo,Hijame,and Makoto were giving Tenko confidence to ask out Himiko.Hijame was a kind dude.How could such a NICE guy want to kill me? Izuru was no where to be seen. He probably was off impressing some MULTIMILLION company with his talent. Tonight was going to be a easy.

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