Ross and Laura meet

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Ross' POV

It has been 5 days since I arrived on this farm and I still haven't gotten use to waking up early I have seen the brunette out and I still haven't introduced myself because she is always busy I can't believe she does all that stuff I only saw her yesterday cleaning out a shed then she started to clean the tractor they have then her dad came out and got in the tractor and drove off.

Right now I am in the kitchen with my aunt cleaning up.

Ross: who is that brunette?

Ross' aunt: brunette?

Ross: yeah there is a brunette next door I see her everytime I am out on the yard 

My aunt went quiet I was curious who is this girl and why did my aunt just stop talking.

Ross' aunt: I can take it from here can you help your uncle

Ross: okay

I walked out of the house with a confused expression I saw my uncle working on the car.

Ross: do you need help?

Ross' uncle: sure 

I started to help my uncle on the car.

End of POV

Laura's POV

I woke up early again since I am use to it I took a shower and when I came out I brushed my teeth then I changed into *picture below*

I woke up early again since I am use to it I took a shower and when I came out I brushed my teeth then I changed into *picture below*

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I then walked outside the bathroom and opened my curtains to see the sun rising above the horizon I smiled and walked out of my bedroom but I grabbed my bow and arrow my parents didn't want me to have one just in case I hurt myself but I begged them they finally let me have one.

I walked outside and got out my targets I then started to practise two of my friends taught me how to deal with a bow before they left for their home with their uncle and cousin. I was ready to aim when someone spoke I turned around with my bow and I saw it was Mr. Lynch so I put my bow down.

Laura: I am so sorry Mr. Lynch you scared me

Ross' uncle: that's alright Laura but I do have a favour to ask

Laura: sure what is it?

Ross' uncle: could you help me with the roof of my barn?

Laura: of course let me get some wood, tools and a ladder

Ross' uncle: I have already got that ready but I just hurt myself by pulling some hay bails I ain't young as I use to be

Laura: okay let me tell my parents where I will be

Ross' uncle: okay 

I walked away and put my bow down and told my parents where I will be then I came back out of the house and I followed Mr. Lynch to his farm and I saw he had the ladder leaning against the barn so I grabbed everything I would need and started to work on the roof.

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