Demi gets into Laura's head

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Demi's POV

I am not physically strong to hurt Laura but I can get inside her head and that is exactly what I plan to do then when she leaves Ross alone it will hurt Ross and then I can come in and help him then he will fall for me like he did all those years ago.

Right now I am waiting for Laura to come out of her house anyway I saw her parents go out.

End of POV

Laura's POV

I woke up early to get some practise in and then I can do my chores anyway I got out of bed, made my bed and then walked in the bathroom I took a shower and when I came out I changed into *picture below* then I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail since I don't want to my hair to get caught in anything.

I woke up early to get some practise in and then I can do my chores anyway I got out of bed, made my bed and then walked in the bathroom I took a shower and when I came out I changed into *picture below* then I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair...

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I left the sunglasses on my dressing table then I opened my curtains seeing some clouds still in the sky but I saw the sun rising above the hill so I walked out of my room and saw a note from my parents.


Laura we have gone out to visit one of our friends since they need help with their farm we will be back late again.

Love from mum and dad

I sighed and grabbed an apple with a drink then I walked outside to see it was quiet just how I like it anyway I went around the yard chopping wood, cleaning the cars and tractors, cleaned out Princess' stable and right now I am sorting hay bails out for my parents.

Bo and Luke went yesterday after uncle Jesse helped Mr. Lynch with his chores they said bye to me and so did Daisy and uncle Jesse then they left I get to call Mr. Duke Uncle Jesse because I am really close to the family.

I heard someone behind me I sighed when I heard the voice.

???: well Laura I see you are on your own unlike yesterday

Laura: *turns around* are you stalking me now Demi?

Demi: no I just know 

Laura: *rolls eyes*

Demi: look I know why you try to be strong because you are a weak little girl aren't ya who only tries to be tough so she can get what she wants

Laura: you must be mistaken I don't do that

Demi: you are in denial Laura you know I bet Ross only became friends with you because he felt sorry for you I bet he saw straight through you and he wanted to be friends

Laura: will you seriously stop talking to me I don't like you and I don't want you near me

Demi: oh come on Laura you can talk to me 

Laura: I don't know you but I bet you are a fashion girly girl who only cares about herself 

Demi: I do not I care about others

Laura: maybe inside your head

Demi: oh but that is what you do since you left Ross yesterday with those ploughboys 

Laura: don't talk about them like that

Demi: what are you gonna do about it?

I was getting really annoyed now and I punched her she stumbled back. Demi is trying to get into my head.

Laura: just leave me alone Demi

Demi: awe you are becoming a weakling

Laura: I will never ever be weak like you

Demi: yeah right 

Demi carried on talking to me trying to get inside my head and even though I won't admit it out loud I will admit that it is sort of working she is talking about my childhood where I got bullied I thought I got rid of those memories.

End of POV

Ross' POV

I am helping my aunt in the kitchen since my uncle is still in bed since he hurt himself I have to do his chores. To help him anyway I saw Laura say goodbye to those guys, the girl and the old man she told me who they were and how she met them I understood because she apologised. 

Ross' aunt: I am done in the house Ross thank you for helping me

Ross: no problem I have to go and do the outside jobs

Ross' aunt: be back inside before it gets too dark

Ross: I will

I walked out of the house and I saw Laura working on her truck but something seemed off so before I started to work I walked up to Laura.

Ross: hey Laura

Laura: *jumps but doesn't turn around* hey Ross

Ross: you okay?

Laura: yeah I am fine

Ross: you sure?

Laura: yeah why wouldn't I be 

Ross: okay just asking

Laura: sorry for snapping Ross but this truck is doing my head in

Ross: why?

Laura: the oil is leaking, the fuel pipe has been cut but I don't know how and the brakes are stiff

Ross: oh... do you need some help?

Laura: no I will be fine 

Ross: okay but if you need any help

Laura: I know I will go to you I promise

Ross: okay

I walked back over to my house and started to do my chores for my uncle.

End of POV

Laura's POV

When Demi finally left I was left with memories from my childhood when I got bullied for being smart and for wearing glasses it was only high school that I changed everything about me and I don't need to wear glasses anymore. I just felt so hopeless when I was younger but with the things Demi said she just got into my head and those memories came flooding back anyway I felt a presence behind me and it was Ross when the person spoke I didn't want to turn around because he would see my eyes and they were red.

*After 35 minutes*

I finally finished my truck I fixed everything so it is like it is new anyway I pulled the bonnet down and I walked over to the stable and brought Princess out she is cleaned out and I want to go for a ride so I got on Princess and rode off.

End of POV 

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