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Mia Avangelo read to the children at her orphanage, a task that was ingrained in her everyday routine. She enjoyed the way their faces lit up and turned to expressions of endearment and interest as the story progressed. She too found herself lost in the fairy tale of beauty of the beast, as she liked to think of her life as one; a story still being written yet untold.

As Mia finished the book, she decided it was time for a quick snack before dinner. She always had time for food, although she found the preparation to be quite a nuisance.

"Would you guys like some sandwiches?" She asked. Her voice soft and mellow, barely cutting through the chatter amongst the kids. However, the children were used to her tone and answered a chorus of "Yes" to her question.

She made her way downstairs to the kitchen, her small frame maneuvering expertly around the space. Standing fully at 5'2 she barely managed to grab the sliced ham from the top shelf of the fridge, yet she made do. Setting out 7 plates, her blonde hair danced around her shoulders and flowed down to the middle of her back.

She placed mayonnaise, ham and lettuce on each slice of bread completing the sandwiches. Her grey eyes scanned each piece, making sure all the ingredients went on in that order. Once she was satisfied, a small smile found her lips and called the kids down to eat.

"Mia!" Andra called.

The forty-year-old woman appeared at the top of the stairs, the back of her hand wiping her furrowed brows in what appeared to be exhaustion.

"Can you make dinner tonight please? I'm swamped with Sam's paperwork. You know he's getting adopted next week and I would really appreciate the help."

Andra was the headmaster of the orphanage, and the only mother figure Mia's ever had. The older woman couldn't help but get close to the kind-hearted girl. After being dropped off at the orphanage at only 4 years old, their bond was instant.

"Of course. I'll just have to stop by the store to pick up some things."

Mia offered a smile, but it faltered when she noticed her caretaker's frown.

"Oh, well in that case dear, we can manage with the sandwiches you made. I know you're not comfortable making that trip by yourself, especially as night approaches."

Mia felt belittled. Sure, it was true that she was uncomfortable with travelling alone at this time, but she was 18! Yes, her birthday was only a few days ago but legally she was an adult, and she wanted everyone to start acting like it.

"I'll be fine, I just turned 18 you know. I need to start learning how to do things by myself."

Andra looked on warily, worried for the pure soul she had raised all by herself. She knew that Mia was too innocent for her own good; too trusting. She's barely interacted with people her own age, as all orphaned kids in their town were homeschooled.

The surrounding schools were privatized, a price tag limited education. Andra tried her best to provide the kids with the basic skills they needed, so that they could further their learning after they got adopted.

But Mia was never adopted.

Couples weren't fond of her quiet and shy demeanour. They wanted a child who would play with other kids and express themselves in a talkative manner. All of which Mia didn't do.

Instead, she kept to herself and watched as kids were taken in by loving families, bubbling personalities overwhelming the lingering presence that Mia had at the orphanage. And now, basically an adult, nothing has changed.

Andra looked down at Mia and sighed. She knew that Mia was right. As much as she liked to coddle and shelter the girl, she couldn't ignore the fact that she was becoming her own woman.

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