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Almost a month had passed since Mia was at Luxe and she was honestly doing much better. Damien had been so kind and understanding she couldn't even put her gratitude into words.

Whenever she thought about the tall man with tattoos, it seemed like a herd of butterflies would flurry in her chest and tickle her stomach. Never had she felt this way about any man.

She wrote about her feelings in her diary, including her feelings about a certain someone. Only the ink and its pages knew that she had labelled her obsession with Damien; she called it a crush.

As she finished up her daily entry, her toes curled as she thought about the possibility of Damien . They've already done some boyfriend-girlfriend things like kissing and...touching.

Mia blushed and bit her pen to stop herself from becoming too giddy.

She knew that life wasn't a romance novel, it was no where near such a thing. But God, was it too much to ask for her to have her own fairy tale?

She shut her diary close and hopped off her bed, knowing that Damien would be waiting in his car across the street.

With pink cheeks and a smile, she hurried down the stairs and yelled a quick 'bye' to Andra and the kids before scurrying out the door.

"Hi" Mia beamed at him when she entered his car in a flurry.

"Hi pretty girl." Damien greeted back with a dimpled grin. He leaned over her seat to buckle her in, a routine that he'd grown used to ever since he started driving her to work.

He pressed a soft kiss on her lips before settling back in his seat; he eyed the blonde with an amused smile as he saw her bite her lip and look away.

"Don't tell me you're getting all shy again." Damien teased as he started the car.

"I'm not..." Mia giggled. She let her head turn back to face him and she placed her hand on top of his larger one that was resting on the stick shift.

"I like your rings" She commented as he drove. Her much slimmer fingers traced over the thick silver rings on his digits, and she noticed the carvings and grooves of the design.

"Ya?' He asked, turning his head for a brief moment to look at her before facing the road once more. "Thanks, baby."

The pet names affected Mia more than they did before. She found her chest feeling bubbly and warm when he called her sweet things, and she craved his presence like air.

The car ride was over far too soon, and Mia resisted frowning when she saw the familiar bakery.

"I'll pick you up after your shift, okay?" Damien reminded her after he parked the car.

Mia nodded and opened the car door, but a hand pulled her back.

"You're forgetting something"

The blonde immediately knew what he was talking about, as he did this every time she left, even when she did remember.

Mia smiled at him and rested her hands on his cheeks so that she could lean in and kiss him. Although Damien growled playfully when she deepened the kiss, and he reciprocated her energy by sucking on her tongue.

"Now you can go." He smirked after pulling away from her.

Mia stumbled out of the car breathless and with her hair messy. Damien gave her a wink before driving away, presumably to his own job. What does he do exactly? All Mia knows is that he runs a successful business. She's pried for details, but he never seemed interested in discussing his work life. Mia understood that much.

Damien ✔️Where stories live. Discover now