A rat, a rat

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"Damien, what happened?" Mia asked shakily.

They had left the conference room just moments ago and were walking towards a seemingly private elevator that was different to the one they were in earlier.

"He was a fraud. This meeting was just a means to double cross me." Damien explained while continuing in his strides.

They stopped in front of the elevator and Damien began typing a code into the keypad.

"B-but did you have to kill him?"

"Yes." Damien responded bluntly.

He waited for the elevator's ding and looked down at her. "No lies, remember?"

"No more lies" Mia whispered to herself as she followed him in.

The elevator began to move up and Mia nibbled on her lip as she thought about how deep she was in this. Was she okay with Damien's job title? His responsibilities? Or even the lengths he had to go to maintain his position and protect himself.

All the answers she conjured in her mind, led to the most moral and justified no.

But it was Damien. Her Damien. He spoiled her with affection and gifts and called her his pretty girl. He would drop anything and everything for her—do anything for her. She didn't know if she could part ways from the most important person in her life. She didn't know if she wanted to.

When the elevator opened once again, it appeared that they arrived at some kind of penthouse. Mia assumed that were on the very top floor of the building, as the ride seemed to last a while. This room wasn't on the board in the lobby, so she assumed that it wasn't the mysterious 'X' floor that was plastered on the sign.

As they walked out Mia gasped in awe at the glass walls that completely surrounded the apartment. They had a clear view of the forest line and she walked close to the ceiling length window to get a closer look.

"How do you feel about staying over tonight?" Damien asked as he joined her side.

Mia looked at him in surprise. "Really?"

His brown strands fell over his forehead as he nodded, and Mia grinned at him before pulling her phone from her back pocket.

"I'll text

"A friend hmm?" Damien teased.

He leaned down to kiss and nibble on her neck while she sent the message, making her giggle.

"Come" He said after she finished.

Mia followed Damien as he seemed to lead her to his bedroom. It lacked a personal touch, which made sense considering that he only spent time there if he had to.

It was dark and modern, with not much besides a large chair in the corner and some books shelved on the wall.

Mia walked towards the books curiously and was surprised at his collection; was Damien a bookworm like herself?

She fingered the spines delicately and thought back to her lonely nights at the orphanage, when she was so desperate as to call the book characters her friends.

Her eyes trailed over the titles and authors, and her heart fluttered at his taste.

"Do you read?" He asked from behind her.

Mia nodded and dropped her hand from the books and turned to face him, a small smile on her face.

"I didn't know you did though. Can you read to me sometime?"

"I would love to." Damien brought both of his hands to cup her face softly and he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

Mia whined when he pulled away and stood on her tipi-toes to reconnect their lips once again.

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