The Kill

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Damien eased himself out of bed, trying to make as little noise as possible. He had put Mia down to sleep after their shower and he planned to leave then but he couldn't find it in himself to go after seeing her teary eyes and pleading expression.

So, he had stroked her hair and let her fall asleep on his chest for as long as possible, which had added up to an hour and a half.

He knew that Liam wouldn't be doing anything at this time of night but that's exactly why he had to get busy now.

He'd thought a lot about what he was going to do while he was lying in bed with Mia and after going through countless ideas and outcomes in his head, he knew what his next steps were going to be.

Knowing Liam, he was probably in the middle of getting their biggest clients to pledge their loyalty to their drug ring but with him as the new body in power. Overhearing his phone call with Mila Pilau was enough proof of this.

Damien knew though, that a lot of their bigger clients would be loyal to him since he started with them in the beginning. Because of this, he was going to try and contact the people that would be more difficult for Liam to sway. After narrowing down the list to who was in town as well as other factors, he knew just who Liam was going to contact next, if he hadn't already.

Damien walked over to his closet and threw on a grey suit before fitting his rings on their appointed fingers. Even though he was going to get his hands dirty, it didn't mean that he didn't want to look good while doing it.

He ran a hand through his hair and stood there for a moment, taking in the almost deafening silence— the calm before the storm.

He made sure that his phone was in his pocket, before slowly walking over to the nightstand near his side of the bed and sliding back the fake bottom of the top drawer to grab his emergency gun. He didn't want to risk running into anyone at the storage warehouse now that his position had been compromised.

With a soft breath he looked one more time at Mia, who was sleeping soundly- her small mouth agape as she took small breathes.

He didn't want to risk waking her up by touching her so he made do by looking.

Damien tore his eyes away from the small figure on his bed, knowing that he had to get his plan in order. With his shoes in hand, he silently made his way down the stairs, before closing the front door as quietly as possible.

"Let's get this done." He muttered under his breath.

After pulling on his shoes, he walked to his detached garage and opened the door. His brain reeled as it tried to come up with different strategies to approach what he was about to do.

"Fuck it." He swore.

He dialled the number, and it rang 4 times. His foot tapped impatiently against the ground and just as he was about to hang up, shuffling could be heard on the other line.

"Who the fuck is calling me at 2am?" An accented voice questioned angrily.

"è Damien."

It's Damien

Silence sounded from the other line for a minute before the voice spoke again.

"è questo uno scherzo?" The man mused.

Is this a joke?

Damien sighed and rolled his eyes. He knew it was going to be difficult dealing with this guy, which is why he never did it directly.

"Has Liam contacted you recently?" Damien asked coolly.

"Ya, why? I've got to say though Damien, I'm surprised you have enough time to call me. Usually, we communicate through one of your men."

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