Shirley Temple

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Damien guided Mia up the stairs and directed her to stay a couple steps ahead of him.

However, as she rounded a corner she was briefly out of Damien's line of sight. He wasn't able to see the drunk, 40 something year old man who was making his way down at the same time.

The man was swaying as he gripped the railing, trailing down the steps one at a time.

However, his movements halted when he spotted the short blonde who he thought was alone and vulnerable.

"Hey darling " The man slurred with a mischievous glint in his bleary eyes.

"What're you doing up here all by yourself?"

The balding man with a slightly protruding beer belly reached out to touch Mia's hair that was falling down her back in messy waves.

"U-um, I'm actually with someone—" Mia said shakily as she tried to put some distance between them. But the man acted faster pulled her flush against his swaying form.

Damien rounded the corner and was shocked to see that Mia was being manhandled by this drunkard. His jaw clenched but when she cried out, he saw red.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

He slammed the drunk man's head against the wall, causing him to groan and release Mia from his grasp.

Damien immediately took Mia in his arms and his face contorted in worry when he heard her sniffle and shake.

"Shit baby, are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

The hardened man crumbled at the sight of a lone tear making its way down her porcelain cheek.

"I-I'm f-fine." She lied. Her hand rose shakily to swipe at the wetness on her skin which clearly told another story.

Damien frowned but clenched his fists as he heard the drunk groan in pain, presumably from the large gash that marred his skull.

"I'll be right back"

Mia's eyes widened when he stepped back from her and she whined in protest.

"No, Damien—"

She gasped when a crack sounded in the stairwell. Damien had punched the older man in the face, and from the loud sound, he most likely broke his nose.

Blood spurted from the wound and Mia held her hands over her mouth when her molester cried out in pain.

"If you ever touch her, or anyone like that again, I'll shove a bullet down your mangey throat." Damien seethed into the man's ear.

His words were only for his victim to hear, and by the man's shaky and persistent nod, it was evident that the message was well received.

Damien straightened up and resisted kicking the disgusting man one last time, just because he felt like it. But he knew that Mia was already traumatized enough, and he didn't want to worsen her impression of him further.

"Fucking piece of shit." He mumbled as he walked back over to wear the girl was standing.

Mia's eyes were wide and glassy as she peered up at him and she flinched at the pungent smell of blood that coated his fists.

She wordlessly followed him up the rest of the stairs to the VIP lounge, and thankfully, the music was much softer and the guests more mellow.

Damien directed them to a red loveseat in a dark corner of the room and told her to sit.

"I'm gonna wash up. Nobody will bother you here."

Mia's heart dropped when she realized that he was leaving, and she grabbed onto his thick bicep in protest.

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