Why did this have to happem

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A few weeks later as it is very very early in the morning

Grell is in the bathroom puking a lot and this has been happening for awhile now. Midnight and zwei hear Grell. " I'll go tell the boss you keep her in her room and watch on her alright smiley " midnight says. Zwei barks and nods. Midnight goes to tell Sebastian. Later on mads comes in the manor since Sebastian called her about Grell. Mads goes to grells room and checks her over. " well Sebastian looks like your gonna be having an heir soon, your lover is with child well children is the term " mads says. Sebastian was actually surprised for once while was well surprised, angry and scared all at once. Midnight just chuckles from grells expression " oh that's priceless! Haha haha! Just wait until her moodswings kick in then she'll be a nightmare to you boss! Hahahahahahahah!!!!! " midnight rolls on the floor laughing evilly. Sebastian face palms " now Grell I know your mad but i will help you with this after all I am- " " stuff it! " grell interrupts him very pissed off. Sebastian stays silent. Grell takes a breath trying to calm down " I'll only let this happen once and only once, got it! " grell says. " crystal " Sebastian replies. Grell sighs already dreading this. Zwei goes to Grell and lays on her lap. Midnight tries to calm down and then she leaves with Sebastian and mads. " call me if anything happens " mads says then vanishes. Sebastian sighs. Midnight looks at him " it'll all be fine sir just make sure you don't lose your head " midnight says. " that isn't helping midnight " Sebastian replies. " I'm just saying boss " midnight says.

( to be continued )

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