bora bora. [1]

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"Tae, can I come in?" You ask knocking on the door lightly. You hear a shatter in the room.

"Tae, open this door right now!" You yell banging on it.

(heheh, you'll find out what's happening soon.)

You hear the door unlock and you walk in, glass all over the floor, Taehyung staring at you as he sat in the corner of the bedroom with red eyes, and tears rushing out.

Your heart stopped, it dropped, and it broke. He's seen you so broken, needing help. He helped you, now it's your time. It's you're turn to help Taehyung.

You drop your hand off the door knob and you run to Taehyung and drop to your knees, you engulf him in your hug and you immediately felt his tears soak through your white button up silk shirt.

Taehyung wraps his arms around your waist and cries into your shoulder, he sobs. The deep calming voice of his, gone. All you heard were wails.

"Sh... It's okay, everything is okay, shh..." You coo. Taehyung grips onto your shirt still sobbing.

You rub his back, "Tae, what's wrong...?" You ask whispering.

Tae shakes his head, "Tae..." You sigh.

"Stand up, we will get the glass cleaned later, let's go to my room." You say sweetly.

Taehyung stands up and looks down as you walked to your bedroom, he plops onto your bed sobbing and he pats the area beside him calling for you.

You smile and walk over to him. You sit in the bed, back leaning against the headboard, Taehyung lays beside you, his head dug into your neck. You still felt the tears.

You softly grab his head and make him look up at you, his eyes were bloodshot red. You sigh, upset he's upset.

"My mom called... she said my dad got into a car accident while he was driving to the farm, he's in a coma y/n." Taehyung manages saying without crying. But just as you thought he was done, his eyes fill with tears once again.

"Oh my, Tae. Let's go back to Korea, you're family matters to me too. I'll tell the people to pack our stuff but let's go." You say worriedly.

Tae nods and you both leave the house going to the airport to the private jet.

𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐀𝐄 ; 김태형 ✧ completedWhere stories live. Discover now