doctors. [3]

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You hear the door open the apartment and you wipe your tears away and see Taehyung look at you pitiful.

"Y/n, i'm so sorry." Taehyung says as he walked closer to you.

You wrap your arms around his torso and sob onto his chest. Taehyung puts his hands on your back and rubs it trying to calm you down.

"It's your body, i'll support anything you want to do." Taehyung coos.

"Can we sit." You whimper.

Taehyung nods and you sit down on the black fabric couch.

"Tae, I don't want to make this decision alone." You begin.

"I feel like, we are both so young. To have children." Taehyung grabs your hand.

"We really are Tae, I'm 21, you're 23, how... we are too young for this."

"I'll support you, i'll be there for you."

"I want an abortion, but what do you want?"

"I want a family, but look, we aren't even dating. Nonetheless are we married. And we are so young. Let's do the abortion, as much as it breaks our hearts. It's what needs to be done." Taehyung sighs.

You can tell in his eyes his answer was not very truthful.

"Tae be honest please."

"Fine... I want the kid, I don't want you to kill it. Y/n, i'll talk to Bang-pd. We will figure something out, just don't kill the kid because we made a mistake." Taehyung says breathless.

"Okay, we will keep the kid. But the media Tae, it won't be easy."

"I know, but let's get you a doctor appointment, then we will go to bang-pd."

You nod and Tae takes out his phone and calls a doctor.

"Appointment tomorrow at 2:30 Okay?" Taehyung says.

You nod and Tae hangs up and takes you into a hug.

"I know you're scared, but it'll be okay, I promise." Taehyung kisses the top of your head.

I love this boy. Why is he so perfect.

"I love you- yoongi. I love Yoongi. He's so smol." You stutter.

"Man, I thought you'd love me." Taehyung pouts.

You kiss him on the lips, "I do love you, and I just realized that. We should be together." You smile.

"It'd be my honor to ask you, will you be my girlfriend." Taehyung asks.

You cup his face with one hand.

"I'd be honored to be your girlfriend." You smile and then place your head on his chest.

You inhale the cologne he wore and you close your eyes softly as Taehyung hummed to scenery. You fall asleep on Taehyung's chest as his calming voice soothed you.

𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐀𝐄 ; 김태형 ✧ completedWhere stories live. Discover now