hospital. [2]

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You make your way down the hallway and see Taehyung through the glass of the waiting room.

You knew it was him, who else would have blue hair,
bloodshot eyes, and a phone in their hand.

You open the door quietly and you slowly walk over to Taehyung surprising him once you put your arms around his and hugged him.

"Hi." You say and pinch his cheek.

"I need you y/n." Taehyung mumbles and he leaned his head on your shoulder.

"I know, I know you do." You whisper and kiss the top of his head lightly so he didn't feel it.

"Sleep, i'll wake you up if there's any news from the doctors." You tell Tae as he yawned and ended up laying across your lap, head in your lap, feet hanging off the chair.

Tae flips around and hugs your waist tightly, "So i've heard you can't sleep without holding something."
You mumble enough just so he couldn't hear it.

You put your hands on his head giving him support and played with his faded blue locks of hair.

How are you so perfect. Sometimes, I question if I'm falling for you...


"Hi... are you related to the Kim Family...?" A doctor asks walking into the waiting room.

"Ah, no but this gentleman sleeping is." You whisper not wanting to wake up the cute baby boy beneath you.

You tap him lightly, "Taehyungie... The doctors here." You whisper in his ear accidentally touching it with your lip.

Taehyung immediately rushes out the waiting room and talks to the doctor. You lean your head back and close your eyes.

*warning, this part contains 18+ content*

You hear a door slam shut and you jolt up worried and see Taehyung pacing around the room.

"Tae, Tae calm down what's wrong?" You ask putting you're hands on his shoulders.

Taehyung pushes you away and you gasp in shock of his action.

How can I calm him down. I'm gonna regret this, but this may be the only way.

You take a deep breath and you grab in your shoulders tightly and kiss him. The kiss was to last a second, but instead you felt a pull against ur lip asking for entrance.

You open your mouth and Taehyung slips his tongue in your mouth and you both make out passionately.

Taehyung closes the blinds to the glass and locks the door of the waiting room.

You felt a walk being slammed against your back and Taehyung slides his hands down to your waist giving you support.

You wrap your hands around his neck and you jump up onto him like a Koala.

Taehyung down in a chair and you sit on his lap facing him.

You both pull away from the kiss and put your foreheads together, "I'm sorry, that was... that was..." You try saying in deep breaths.

Taehyung smirks and clashes your lips together once again Taehyung stands up and you forget you were holding on to him, next thing you knew, you were sitting on the counter of the waiting room snacks table.

Taehyung slides his hand up your off white hoodie and unhooks your bra with one hand.

Taehyung keeps his lips on your lips and you put your hand on his crotch and squeeze it.

You unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants and open them leaving him with his black boxers and huge bulge.

You smile in the kiss. Taehyung pulls off your black leggings and puts one of his hands on your clothed pussy, slightly teasing you making you 19x more horny.

Taehyung pushes your hair back behind your ear and starts to kiss your neck leaving a trail of marks.

"T-Tae." You moan as Taehyung sucked your soft spot.

Taehyung attempts to pull down your panties but you push him away and into a chair. You pull on his jeans and get on your knees.

You pull off his boxers and his dick springs out hard, and big.

You lick the tip and Taehyung throws his head back. Taehyung puts his hands in your hair and plays with your dark brown hair.

You then wrap your hands around his cock and begin to suck. Taehyung groans and keeps playing with your hair.

You bob your head up and down and Taehyung begins to moan with his deep voice making you more horny.

why the hell am i doing this in a waiting room.

You feel a hot liquid come out into your mouth. You look up at Taehyung ready to vomit. Taehyung pushes your hair behind your ear and holds a bucket to your mouth and you spit out his cum.

"It's okay, if you're not comfortable with it, it's okay." He whispers with a deep voice in your ear.

Taehyung sits you on his lap and pulls down your panties and inserts his erect cock into your pussy.

You were in shock at the size, the size was huge.

"Oh my god, you're so tight." Taehyung grunts as you moved up and down and your cheeks clapped in his lap.

The size hurt at first and you kept in the pain, the tears, but soon you were bouncing up and down filling the soundproof room with moans.

You felt a knot in your stomach, "T-Tae I think I'm about to cum." You moan.

"M-Me too." Taehyung moans.

Taehyung pulls out comes surprisingly in the bucket you threw up in, you surprisingly came into Taehyung.

Taehyung bends his head down and begins to lick your cum clean. His hands traveled up to your face and he pecked your lips.

"I hope hyung doesn't yell at the marks on your neck." Taehyung chuckles.

You put on clothes and walk to the counter and grab your phone and open the camera seeing the TRAIL of hickey's Taehyung left.

"Oh fuck." You bluntly say touching the purple marks on your neck.

Taehyung comes up behind you and gives you a back hug and kisses your neck softly.

"Who would've known we'd do this." Taehyung whispers in your ear.

"Tae... how do you feel towards me?" You ask whispering.

"I like you." Taehyung mumbles.

"What was that?" You teasingly ask.

"I said, I like you. I have feelings for you." Taehyung says embarrassed.

Taehyung turns red and you wrap your arms around him, "Why me." You say.

"The day, in bora bora, when you hugged me. When you touched me. The way you soothed me. Yuna was never like that, she hurt me. You loved me the way I never been loved. I love your touch, your smile, your voice, your personality, your hug, your comfort, everything about you. You're so perfect in your own way, and you don't see it. But I do, you may not be the best child to your parents, but to me... but to me y/n. You're the best, you're someone that I want and need. I'd be so broken without you y/n." Taehyung tells you.

You wouldn't admit it, but this is the first time a guy had told their feelings.

"I don't know what to say." You mumble and you begin crying.

"Don't leave me y/n, I need you." Taehyung whines as he pulled you into his arms.

"I won't, I promise." You sob.

"I don't want to move too fast, because this all happened to quickly. I'm not going ask if you want to be mine." Taehyung whispers.

You nod your head understanding because you were confused too.

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