reveal. [4]

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Tae held your hand and squeezed it before walking into the studio.

Your heart was beating fast, when Hobi is mad it is scary. He was unpredictable.

"What the hell is this!" You already hear the first scream of Hobi.

You look at hobi, the ball of sunshine turned into Satan. "What the fuck Y/n." Hobi hisses as he pointed to your hand intertwined with Taehyung's.

"Hoseok, calm down." Jin whisper yells and yanks on Hobi's arm.

"Hell no, why the hell would you date my fucking sister, and why the hell would you date my fucking BEST FRIEND Y/N!" Hobi yells.

You take a deep breath trying not to stress yourself because that's what the doctor said.

"Hyung, let me explain." Taehyung says smoothly.

"Explain what? What's next, you get my sister pregnant and you cheat on her and break her heart?" Hobi yells.

You were in shock, you knew Taehyung wasn't that type of guy.

"Are you kidding me Hoseok? You're so selfish, this again. You never let me be happy, when will you let me have a chance to smile. You shoot down all my opportunities just so you're the star in the family. Its bad enough mom and dad hate me, and when I need my family the most, my own brother hates me. You're so fucking entitled, you say you're the armies hope, when you're such a fucking dick. Why won't you ever let me be happy you bitch!" You yell and yank your hand away from Taehyung's.

You exit the studio slamming the door behind you.

Hobi stands inside the studio speechless. You hear footsteps run after you and it was Taehyung and Jin.

You run out to the lobby and you sit in the couch and sob. You feel four arms wrap around you and it was Tae and Jin.

"It's okay, calm down." Jin whispers. Tae places your head on his chest and puts his black mask on so the media outside couldn't tell it was his.

You take deep breaths calming yourself down.

You felt the two bodies move away and you whine.
"I'm sorry y/n." Jin whispers and Jin and Taehyung walk away.

You felt the negative energy. You look up and see your older brother.

"Y/n..." Hobi sighs.

"Save it." You stand up and begin to walk away until you felt a grip on your hand and you were pulled into a tight hug.

"It's just weird, my bestfriend dating my sister. I know you had something else to tell me." Hobi hugs your tighter.

"I'm... I'm pregnant hobi." You whisper. "Why do you think I need you, and I don't even want to go to mom anymore. She'll disown me. You're all I have left." You sob into his chest.

"I'm sorry y/n, Ill do my best to support you guys." Hobi comforts.

𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐀𝐄 ; 김태형 ✧ completedWhere stories live. Discover now