some killer fun

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I quickly woke up and I was trying to catch my breath. But this time I was not plugged up to a machine or a massive tube forced down my throat. I looked around the room and saw gifts and get-well cards with flowers. I must have been missed by a lot. I then noticed that Chloe was resting in a chair in the corner. I looked at her closely and saw she was in her clothes from this morning. I signed in relief. I slowly go up and went to the cards and flowers to see who missed me. the people that missed me was Billy, mom, my brothers, and dad with my nanny. But more than half was from Chloe. Which kind of made me feel warm inside. That she did this but at the same time a few minutes ago she shot me.

Without warning, I heard a scream and was hugged tightly from behind. I pulled the arms off me and turned around to see who it was, it was Chloe hugging me, I was surprised but I let her arms go and held her close. I needed a hug, to be honest, a nurse ran into the room probably from hearing the scream. She then called for a doctor and the doctor and nurse made me sit back on the bed and told me they have some bad news. I was ready for all hell to break loose or something.

To my surprise instead, they said, "you had a stroke and fell into a coma." I nod and said, "ok cool, how long have I been out?" I was ready for the swat team to bust down the door or something. The doctor and nurse were a bit shocked to my action of being in a coma or even having the stroke. The nurse finally said, "It is 2020, you have been in the coma for two years." I nod and said "ok cool now I can drink and stuff. So, am I allowed to leave and stuff? "they were in more shock I was so ready to leave after a few looked towards me and each other the doctor said, "we can discharge you right now, but I prefer you stay so we may...." I got up and started to change out of the hospital clothing and into a pair of clothes in a bag with my name on it. which was a bit strange, but I don't care I need some fresh air before I got killed or died again. After what felt like days, I was about to leave the hospital with Chloe carrying all the get-well cards in the bag that my clothes were in.

I walked and walked and walked until getting back home. I somehow walked 145 miles in less than a few hours. I got home as the sun was going down. Chloe took her car and drove the whole time staying close to me. That was thoughtful but not needed. I looked at my house and at Chloe and said "Can you make me something to eat? I'm going to take a walk into the woods for a minute." She didn't answer for a minute until saying "Yes but be careful and don't go too far." I gave her a smile then walked along the fence that boxed my backyard. I then took a few minutes till I was a good distance in the woods. I sat on a fallen tree and took a deep breath as I was glad what happened with all the cops and army and Chloe was not real. I was horribly wrong.

As I was taking in a deep breath, I heard someone talking. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't think of where I heard it. I started to look around until I saw someone on the phone. I got a bit closer to see if I know them, but I stepped on a stick. I quickly got down and waited a few seconds before I looked to see she was gone. She then picked me up off the ground and said "Look I have something to deal with. You better have the money, or you will be next."

She hung up the phone and looked at me and said, "What are you doing here?" I was a bit speechless at the moment because she was picking me up off the ground with one arm. Plus, her skin was pink, and her eyebrow looked like an eyelash. She rolled her eyes and disappeared making me falling to the ground. I got up and looked around she was back on the tree branch again.

 I got up and looked around she was back on the tree branch again

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