getting sent to boot camp

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I'm not sure how else to explain it, I was in darkness and I saw nothing and heard nothing but at the same time I could feel something watching, I knew something was there. After about 30 minutes of this, a thought came to me and I said, "Nightmare show your self." Suddenly I heard laughing and sure enough, it was the built, horned devil himself. I smiled and said, "It's nice for you to talk with me, I was getting a bit bored." He walked to me and said, "So a mortal that has dealt with magic, time travel and even becoming a Guardian angel, wants me to give him the title of Demon?" I nod and said, "Yeah, dude look your cool and everything but also an asshole. Trust me I know. How about you make me a guardian demon?" He laughed louder than last time and said, "Do you realize this is made up, there is no such thing... but I can make you a demon if you give me your soul." I laughed and said, "Yeee.... no, how about this, you give me the made-up title of guardian demon and even human or creature or I kill you and get all the souls." He had a sinister smile on his face as he extended his right hand towards me for a handshake. I thought about it for a second then said, "No, we go over the details first." He laughed again and said, "You are a smart one I'll give you that. Fair enough ask away."

I took a second to think of my questions and said, "What are my powers? Can I be killed? What are the bad parts of this?" He got closer and started to walk in circles around me as he said, "You will have super strength and speed, you also gain more power from blood or causing pain on humans, and you can see in the dark..... no, you can't be killed.... and nothing at all." I rolled my eyes and said, "What are the bad parts?" He sighed and said, "You must take 20 souls before you get sent to your body. Also, your eyes will glow at times its uncontrollable and could give you away. Your weakness is holy water and crosses, you also can't set foot in a church." I nod and hold out my hand and we shook hands, as this happened I felt a burn on the palm of my hand. He then laughed and everything became bright. I covered my eyes as they adjusted and I looked around to see I was in a hospital bed in a white room with an IV in my arm. The walls were white and I had a massive headache, I looked in the room to see the bathroom door was closed and there was a seat pulled close to my right side. I rubbed my forehead and slowly lifted myself up and looked around, I then noticed the news was on the tv and the bottom caption said, "Assassination leads to terrorist attack and the start of a war." Soon after reading it Summer walked out of the bathroom and saw me awake she ran to me and smiled hugging me. I groaned in pain as I was sore, she back away and patted on my chest and said, "Sorry I forgot." She then left the room and a few seconds later came back with a nurse. The nurse took all my vitals then pressed the emergency button on the wall. A small alarm went off and 3 doctors along with 2 more nurses came in the room. They looked at each other and were confused greatly, they laid me down and listened to my heart with their stethoscopes and was dumbfounded as well as turning pale. They then rushed me to a room where a machine was and scanned my body then did X-rays and nonstop testing. The entire time Summer was in the room they rushed me out of. After maybe 20 test and scans, I was brought back to my room and Summer was not alone. I saw her father talking to a doctor and following me into my room once they brought me back. He looked at Summer and gave her money to get him and her something to eat. She nodded then left the room, her dad slowly closed the doors and looked at me then slowly clapped. I was extremely confused by then and had no clue what was going on. He gave me a smile and said, "You overcame death, how did you do it? I like to know so I may do the same when I pass." He walked to the bed and looked at the IV and sighed saying, "The doctors have never seen this before, you have two hearts and most of your organs are in pairs: two livers, two spleens, and so on. It's like you combined your body with someone else, they also saw blade like plates of bones in your body. You are truly incredible, I would love to cut you open but you seem to have thick bones going down your stomach as if all your muscles turned into bone. Your body is like a walking armor set, but I don't see how this is possible. So how about you tell me how you did it."

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