somethings you cant change

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I sat there for at least an hour or two, and I stopped trying to get out. I then heard a gunshot and screaming. I tried to get out again, but Angel came back and started the car and slowly drove off as if nothing had happened. She smiled and said, "There's 60,000,000$ in my bank account, thanks for waiting up on me." Suddenly a semi crashed into the car and flipped us in the air about seven feet and flipped sideways about 9 times. The truck was going very fast for this to be an accident, I woke up to the car upside down and someone busting what was left of the window and aimed their gun in my face and said, "Fernando says hello." Angel then said "Hello." Angel shot the guy making his brains cover the back window and my face. I then said "What the fuck angel, fucking warn me or something. I got fucking blood on my face.... I'm going to be sick." I then threw up as Angel rolled her eyes and said "Pussy." I'm not sure what I threw up because I haven't had anything to eat. Before I could do anything more cars showed up and they had guns as well. At this point, it was getting on my nerves. I mean seriously how did they know the one guy was dead or that we were still alive like this was some high-level bullshit going on.

As my mind was racing and I was trying not to fall in a mixture that was made under me of throw up and brain matter. Angel looked around and said, "Cody look at me!" I looked at her to see what she could want at this moment in time. She then said "I'll make it very clear, close your eyes and do not open them no matter what is said or what you hear! Do you understand me?" I was so confused, but I did as she said and held my eyes shut and nodded. I heard snapping of bones and the car then shook violently. It suddenly became extremely hard to breathe as the car started to fall apart. I then started to hear screaming and yelling along with gunshots. I covered my ears as a blood-curdling scream came from somewhere and was followed by more gunshots. I was so worried for my safety I was starting to try and peek until I felt a hand cover my eyes. The hand was covered in something wet and it got all over my face. I then heard bones snapping maybe 1 foot in front of me. The hand slowly moved away from my face and I heard Angel say, "Ok open your eyes." I wait for a few seconds and was about to open them until I thought about what she said and then I heard Chloe say, "Cody it's ok, you can open your eyes." My heart was pounding out of my chest as it sounded just like Chloe. I suddenly could feel a light breeze on my face, and I heard my dog bark. I then said "Dexter?" I held my hand out to try and feel him. Nothing. I then heard the dog bark again. My heart sank and tears fell down my face as I then quietly said "Asia?" I then felt her small nose press against my hand. At this point I had tears running down my face, I slowly started to open my eyes. There she was, it was really Asia. It was really my dog.

With tears running down my face I held her in my arms not wanting to let go. I then said "Oh baby, I missed you so much. I love you ...... so much.... I love you, my baby.... I'm so sorry I couldn't help you.... I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm sooooo sorry." I felt her fur once more, it was the softest thing I felt, it was truly her. I then said "I'm sorry, I should have taken you to the vet sooner, I should have taken better care of you, I should have held her for the last time that night. Everything then changed and I was in my old kitchen. Everything was moved around. I then saw I was asleep on the couch. And and there she was, under the table in the cage I put her in. Slowly dying, I ran to the cage as something was pulling me back. I yelled "Fucking wake up she is dying you fucking bastard. Help help you HELP HER!" I then forced myself to the cage and pulled on the handle, but it was not opening. I then said "Don't worry Asia I am here I am here. Please stay with me.... please! Please stay with me don't go!" I started punching the cage trying to get it open. I saw her little eyes start to close. I then yelled "No no no no no no. Don't close your eyes. Not again please." Her stomach then stopped moving. The cage was open, but she was gone. I then heard crying behind me. I slowly turn to see I was holding her stiff body. As my mom and brother stood over me trying to make me stop crying.

I slowly walked over to me and fell to my knee and began to cry as I rubbed her ear once more as she was gone. I knew it was my fault, it was my fault she didn't see a vet, it was my fault I didn't take care of her. It was my fault the last thing she saw was a cage I put her in when she needed me the most. I was the one that buried her in my backyard at 5 am in the morning. I was the last to say goodbye to her. I reached in my pocket to find my keys in there. I slowly lifted them up and held her name tag in my hand and said: "I will always love you no matter what, you were the best." I looked up to see Angel in my face with her demon red eyes and her teeth starring me down. I then said, "What the fuck you going to do." She stared into my eyes with hers, her eyes were black and red with her having four arms, and her teeth being bloody and long. She then went back to normal with her teeth being small, her only having two arms and her four eyes to normal red color with white. She then pushed me and said, "I TOLD YOU TO KEEP YOUR EYES CLOSED!" She then looked at the blood on my face and me holding my keys tightly and tears mixed with blood going down my face. She tried to wipe the tears as she said "Oh Cody... I am..." I grabbed her hand and said, "Don't fucking say a word." She nods and we both walked through the street with everything covered in blood and body parts.

As we were walking down the street I said: "I want to go home." She frowns and said, "I understand but you can't." I nod and said, "Then where are we going?" I looked at her as she stopped walking. She looked around then went into a coffee shop. I followed and saw all the people were gone. I saw her taking the money from the cash restore. I said, "This is no time for stealing money." She rolled her eyes and pressed something, and a portal appeared in front of me. She jumped over the corner and said "Monster has a place to hide. So that's where we will go, and we will find a friend to help us." I looked at the portal and put my hand through it until Angel went into it. I looked outside to see the blood and gore and said: "I could use some help." I then went into the portal as it was closing shut.

Rest in peace Asia

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