the storm is coming

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I walked to the front as the plane shook rapidly almost making me fall to the floor. Then a massive explosion took out the back of the plane and pulled most of the gear out of it. The plane began to spiral in circles and I was being pulled out of the plane by the spinning. I held on a chair but my grip was getting loose from the rain that poured in, I saw everyone was already in a seat. I tried to grab the arm of the seat but it broke and I flew back, just before I was pulled out of the plane Angel grabbed my hand. I looked at her to see she wrapped her hand with the seat belt and on a seat. I smiled and said, "I guess I'm not getting out of this that easy." I looked at the rest of them until I saw Angel's belt was ripping. I sighed and looked her in the eyes and said, "Sorry." I then bit her hand and flew out of the plane.

I hit a seat on the way out which blurred my vision, I looked around and saw the plane was going to an airport but I then noticed green pine trees closing in on me. I covered my face as I prepared for the fall. I slammed into branches and limbs till finally hitting a big root sticking out of the ground. I landed on my back which broke it, so I couldn't feel much but my blood escaping my body. I laughed and slowly pulled my spine into place but this was a mistake because soon as it healed I felt all the pain of the rest of my body be broken.

I slowly worked through pushing my bones back in the skin and relocating of bones and pulling sticks out of my skin. It was very painful and I screamed the entire time, once I was done the sun started to appear through the pine. I rubbed my eyes as it was bright as hell, I looked around and tried to think about where the plane crashed at. I decided to walk north until coming across a bag with Dia's name on it. I looked through it to see a note pad with all the information I told her about me wrote down. She was listing my powers and my weaknesses. It went something like this, "He seems to have many powers which not even he knows what they are, but if he uses a lot of his power he will become weak and easy to disarm. He seems to have a weakness for killing, he tries to stay away from killing humans but does go into a rage and he isn't himself." I looked through it more until I heard a snap of a twig. I turned to see Angel with a gun aimed at me. She sighed and said, "Thank god you're ok." I looked away from her and at the notepad and said, "Not really look." I threw the notepad at her feet. She set her gun down and picked it up and flipped through it and said, "Interesting, you going to kill her?" I snickered at her and said, "No point, I'll disappear in these woods and go home." I then heard a click of a gun and look to see Angel aimed her gun and said, "I'm sorry but I can't let you do that." I got up and walked to her and pressed the barrel of the gun against my chest and aimed it at my heart and said, "Then you better shoot me!" She hesitated. I nod then started to walk south again but before I got passed the bag I was shot in the shoulder. I yelled, "You bitch!" I turned to see Beth, Angel, Dia, and Tiffany standing there. I saw smoke coming from Dia's gun she then said, "You're not going anywhere Cody, and next shot will be the dick." I rubbed my shoulder as it healed and said, "You do that then I can't give you a super baby." She gave me an annoyed face and said, "I rather not have your tin...." She looked at her bag and quickly went to it and looked through it. Angel then said, "I have it." Dia looked and got up to get the notepad, Dia sighed and put it up and said, "Ok let's pack up what we can and get to the city and find this thing so we can go home before the hurricane hits. I rather not be stuck in it." She then got her bag and put it on and started to walk away. I followed as the others stayed beside me making sure I didn't try anything or at least that's what I thought.

At this time I was deciding to say something about Dia keeping tabs on me but I then thought about why Angel lied or at least covered for me. It didn't make much sense to me at the time, we finally made it to the city of Santiago de Cuba. Looking back I know this but before or during I only knew we were entering a big city. Once breaking treeline we all entered a huge city that was entirely empty, Dia then said, "Ok, everyone should be evacuated so the remaining people or what looks like people is the thing we are hunting. They were reported to be chupacabras, it seems there was smuggling of drugs and animals and one of them was a chupacabra and it had friends. So be careful and keep your eyes up and down." I laughed and said, "Then get some meat and make dog calls." She then looked at me in an annoyed look and said, "They are real and they are not dogs if you look at one you will piss your pants. They are fast as you and have elongated legs and arms. They are tall and can reach far. The worst part is there solid white eyes that will stare you down as its claws dig into your neck and their long straw tongue sucks the blood out of you and watch you turn into skin and bones taking all organs and blood through the small holes in your neck." My heart jumped a bit as I looked at how serious she was. I then said, "I had no clue they were real or something out of nightmares." The mood in the air had gotten heavy and I didn't like it one bit. It was odd I also smelled copper pennies. I covered my nose and said, "What the fuck is that smell?" They began to walk into the big city as if they didn't hear me. I nod and rolled my eyes as I walked away as well, I went down towards what I could see as the ocean. The homes I passed was empty with some having the doors open swinging in the light breeze that was getting stronger every few minutes. I then saw the deep black storm clouds coming close. I knew it would be a bad idea to go closer to the storm, so I turned around and went back to where I came but this time almost all the doors were closed and had been nailed shut. I was a bit curious how they got nailed until the most serious smell of decay hit my nose. I quickly put my hand on my nose to block the smell almost smacking myself in the process. I looked around for the source but found nothing around me, I then saw a drop of something red next to me. I turned to see a small puddle of blood at the stairs of a home, my eyes slowly followed the drops of blood to a body halfway falling off the rooftop. It then started to shake like a crocodile was trying to rip its legs off. I watched as the skin of the body sent from tan to pale white and boney, a dark shadow then raised from the body as the shaking stopped. I then saw bug like white eyes glowing at the top of the roof and a shadow figure soon followed with an ear piercing scream and the shadow thing lunged at me but I fell backward making the thing miss me. It was a foot away from me and I regret looking at it. Its body was extremely thin like bone and skin was all it was made of, It had massive large white eyes with thin long gated teeth and a straw-like tongue hissed at me until I kicked it in the face sending it back a few feet. I got up and said, "You better fall over dead right now." It then rushed at me with its claw-like fingers extended directly straight. A loud bang sent the beast to the ground and left me dumbfounded. I looked at the thing now motionless on the concrete, I took a deep breath then looked where the shot was fired to see Angel with her evil smile. I then said, "Thanks I owe you one." She laughed and said, "I think you owe me a lot more than one." I rolled my eyes until I heard a hiss from the rooftops it was like a choir group all hissing at the same time but different pitches.

Angel sighed and said, "Well that's not good, a sudden whistle of wind ran through the streets along with metal and glass as the hurricane was on top of us. The whistling hurt my ears like a loudspeaker playing next to me. I covered my eyes and looked toward the ocean to see the homes being swallowed by the water and other homes being ripped apart and thrown around. Angel then pulled me towards where we first started the monster hunt. There was Dia, Beth, and Tiffany trying to get ahold of someone on the radio as they protected the large radio from the wind and flying metal with glass. I looked at the storm and saw the sky fill with white and constant loud tapping like a fingernail on a window came from the white as it grew closer. Once knowing what that white was I then yelled, "Get the fuck inside!" They looked at what it was and rushed towards the closest home as baseball-sized hail rained down destroying cars, window shields, doors, and denting roofs and metal along with making the concrete begin to break apart. We all were breathing too heavy to notice the room we ran into was filled with a horrible smell of copper and decay before we heard a few hisses. Beth and Dia turned on a headlamp and Tiffany lit a flare after given a light to go through her bag. The room glows in red as the flare made a loud crackle, there were four of those chupacabras hunched over a mountain of bodies that filled a hand dug hole in the living room floor. They quickly grabbed their guns after Tiffany threw her flare at them. The room ringed and flashed yellow as their guns erupted all the bullets once held in the mags and clips.

The flare burned out and the room filled with the sound of clicking, Tiffany threw another flare to show the chupacabras was dead. Dia then said, "Ok Tiffany, I need you to level this building and fill this hole to ensure they starve and kill each other. She nods and went to work as Beth watched her and her back to make sure nothing happened, I looked at Dia and said, "You just going to cover up the bodies to families or loved ones because of some animal?" She nods and said, "It's our job to kill and clean up anything the public doesn't need to know about." I laughed and said, "So the government does hide stuff? Does that mean they are behind 9/11?" She gave me an annoyed look and said, "Your first question is 9/11. Ok first off you are one of us and the only way getting out of that is death and secondly kind of." I then said, "Wait, kind of?" She nodded and said, "See there was a level 5 virus outbreak within the building which this affected everyone inside. We first jammed the phones and technology we then set up explosives inside and when we drove planes in we blew the charges and made sure the building was flammable. If anyone got out they would be seen by a doctor. If positive of the virus they were given a shot to cause natural effects of a body to speed up constantly. First is two times normal rate but changes every hour and goes up in the time of normal rate until their body gave up."

I was speechless and I had no clue how much the government keeps from us but at the same time they killed so many but at the same time, they protected much more by doing so. I then said, "So after we are done here where do we go?" She smiled and said, "Back to base to relaxed till next mission." I was relieved that I would have time to process all the info I was given in the last 7 hours, but I was ready to get in a bed and sleep a long time.

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