meeting the wendigo queen

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I walked through the empty streets as a few street lights came on as the moon hid behind clouds. it was hard to see four feet in front of me if not the few homes still with the lights on. I thought about camping in one of the abandoned homes but I saw that wouldn't be safe seeing most homes didn't have a front door anymore. no one in sight not even animals, that's when I stopped and looked around as there were no animals or any sound of them. I knew this meant there was most likely a wendigo nearby, I knew a few things about them thanks to creepy stories on web pages. I never thought I would have to use that kind of info because I thought that was fake, I thought a lot of things was not really but after Chloe showed up. I was greeted to a world I lived in but never seen.
I didn't smell the horrible odor so I thought it was far and I had time, but I heard my footsteps echo. I stop and it stopped, so I knew what others did, I walked faster than normal but not run and then I stopped suddenly and I heard a second pair of steps after mine which confirmed there was something behind me. I turned to face it and I found massive buffy beast inches from my face. I started into it sunken eyes and didn't show ant fear but inside I was interested in how it looked. I leaned my head and tried to look at the rest of the body but it was too dark, I looked at its mouth and leaned down to look inside the mouth as it let out a metallic smell, its teeth were extremely sharp and at least a inches long. I was a bit surprised by it being so close and not taking a chunk out of me. I frowned and said "am I not good enough to eat?" it let out a deep groan and slowly opened its mouth and a light drip of blood came from it. a female voice came from behind me and said "why do you not fear such a beast that could RIP you apart in seconds." as I was about to touch one of its teeth to see how sharp it was. I turned to see a female just out of my sight or view and only seemed to be a shadow. I looked back at the beast to see it was now gone, I sighed and said "it's not that saved out here for a girl." she then chucked and said "I see you have Cherokee in you, but you also have many other souls inside you that gives you unbelievable power but your body is struggling to hold it in. am I correct? " I shrugged and said "honest your guess is mine, I must know I have a shot ton of powers and use too much I blackout." she then walked into the light of the street lamp. I could see she had antlers like a deer coming from her head and she was native Indian by her skin but what stuck out the most was she was naked and smiling. I then noticed a lot of red and yellow eyes towering behind her glaring at me.
I nod impressed and said "so you like a queen or leader of those wendigos?" she nods and said, "you come to kill or try to wipe us out?" I shook my head nod and said "but I like to make a deal, see we are hunted by the same people. I also happen to have part of those people on my team that could give both of us ways to kill them easily and not had lost on our side." she smiled bigger and said, "what is your deal?" I looked at the ground to think before looking at her and saying "I will be making a new breed of humans and I could make you be on the good side of history and not be the big scary monsters people see you as."
she laughed and said "we like seeing fear in our food eyes it makes the meat taste so much better. but there is a problem we have that I think you will be able to take care of pretty well or at least you will die and that's a win-win Ethier way you look at it." I shook my her and said "ok what is your problem?" she smiled and softly nodded and said "we are seeking new nesting grounds for our offspring, we had a spot by a human decided to take it over and we want you to take it from her. you can kill them or make them leave peacefully." I was a bit confused and said "so all I have to do it move a girl out of a place for you and you will help us defend this area. " she nod and I said "ok perfect where's the place." she pointed up at a nearby mountain and said "there is a bunker up there but is long Forgotten. as you can guess the girl is not just a girl, it seems she could faze through the walls and floors. she is also able to make it to where our attacks go through her. so good luck hitting her." I nod and said "so I'm spouse to walk there." she nods and said "well to make sure you go to the right place I can mind control you to walk there. you won't remember a thing and it will be like you were just a minute of walking but will be a few hours." I shrugged and said "sure that sound like a good idea."
she nods and I began to walk past her towards the large mountains in the distance but she held out her hand. I stopped just before touching it, I looked at her face and saw she was looking in the direction which I came from. she then said, "you know you have a follower." I turned to look at this follower but saw no one, I faked a laugh and said "funny, there's no one there." I looked at her and noticed the wendigo behind her show their teeth and their hair stand up. I looked a second time but I couldn't see anything. she then placed her hand on my back and I saw a group of people along with the lizard girl and Sofia. some of the crowd was missing parts of their body while others maybe had a dagger in their stomach, some of them even had bite Marks.
I was thrown back a bit by this and didn't know what to say, the girl with horns said: "I see how you get your power now." I looked back at her and said "what do you me." she didn't answer and looked at the crowd of people. it was like she was making sure they didn't do anything or something. she finally removed her hand from my back and turned around and said "the people you kill you gain their power, but you also get the power from who they killed and so on. but that means for you to become more powerful you must kill people with powers or at least people that hunt them. I'll be glad to give you more insight once you complete my task." she looked to the side for a few seconds before saying "seem like you will have two guys and a girl in your way... let's see how you may deal with them." I was about to say something when everything got quiet and whispering came from all around until it became yelling. I grabbed my ears to protect them from the volume of the shouting. it was not a language I knew and sounded like people making sound with their mouths. I closed my eyes as I only got louder every second, but as soon as it started it stopped. I opened my eyes to see it was still night and I was in the woods with rain pouring down making it hard to see 10 feet in front of me. I looked around and tried to look for something to show where the bunker was, but I was lost. I stumbled around a little bit before coming across a campsite. I then heard a scream followed by men yelling words that I couldn't understand, then came a girl running to the front entrance of the campsite with her head turn to look behind her as she ran. she ran directly into me as tears mixed with the rain came down her face. her eyes filled with fear of dying. I looked at her to see she was bruised and cut up from gravel road. I also saw signs of her clothing being ripped shorts and the red rings around her thighs. which lead me to believe that she broke free from someone or something trying to rape her. I looked at her as I held her still, she was a short blonde with blue eyes. the ones that normally make the entire city look for once gone missing as they knew someone took her and chained her in their basement. I paused my self from thinking any further on the subject, as my hungry for lust grew quite a bit as I looked at her. soon to guys with an assault rifle and pistol came running towards us. they held aim and one to the right with the pistol said: "what the fuck is that!" I looked at both of them then the girl and put the girl behind me as the cocked their guns. the one on the right then said "I don't know but fucking kill it!" the air filled with flashes of light and metal shards coming my way. I duck down to my knee to make sure I fully covered the guy. once I held clicking of empty guns I looked at them then stood up towering over them, I let out a scream that made both guys drop their guns and cover their ears. I then swiped my hands slicing the tie guys in half. I then began to notice my body was one of the wendigos, I looked at the girl then smelled her and could fell the hungry of lust grew greatly to the point I pounced her and licked her face. I didn't want to but my body had it's own mind we this point. I felt my lower body thrust and part of it become warm as the shock and fear of the girl's eyes stained my soul as I kept eye contact through the thrust. she moans and groans with each thrust, my body began to get smaller and my arms became more human as I was getting closer to climax.  I slammed my dick further in her as I felt like I was peeing. her mo1uth gasped open as she came to the realization of what just happened. I backed away from her and rubbed my face as I shook my head and said "no no no" repeatedly as I backed up. I raped a girl, she stood up and walked towards me trying to hug me as her stomach began to grow in size like the baby I planted in her began to go into an adult while in her. she then busts open and my beast form standing behind her with my dick appearing through her stomach. I almost threw up to the sight of what I have done. I suddenly felt a hand slap me across my face and I looked at seeing Angel standing in front of me with a worried look on her face. I looked at where the body of the girl was to see nothing but sticks and dirt on the ground. I looked at her once more and said "I think I have a problem." she just stood there and said "yeah you left me hunting in that dining room, thanks." she pushed me away from her and signed and said, "what were you screaming about." I looked at the where the girl was and said "I was helping a girl then I raped her and the baby grew in front of me until my dick burst through her as my brute self was behind her like how I killed the lizard girl." angel looked behind me and pointed as she said, "do you mean her." I felt a chill go down my spine as I slowly turned to look at where Angel was pointing. to my great relief, I saw the girl eating out of a can of beans she just cooked on the fire she had in front of the fire. I stood up and only stared at her. she stopped with eating with a mouth full of beans and said "whaaat." a bean came from her mouth as she quickly covered it and finished the beans in her mouth. angel looked at me then said "did this guy rape you or have sex with you." she was shocked by how direct the question was. her face turned solid red as she said "Ummm, no."
I was not convinced and how did angel know I was here and why did the girl seem so fine last time I saw her she was all terrified and scratched up, but the girl in front of me was ok without a simple cut. I then noticed that she had the same clothes on but now they were fine. as I was starring the girl down angel put her hand on my shoulder and said: "are you ok?" I quickly turned around and pushed her away. the area about me turned into a war zone. trees cut in half by brute strength. the guys were dead on the ground with wendigo eating them. the girl was crying and balled up next to them, she was cut up and badly hurt. my heart dropped I turned around to see the girl from behind that stood under the street light. she smiled and said " fascinating you were able to pick out detail and broke free before I could touch you. now I guess you can finish the last step, kill the girl." I looked at the girl all cut up balling her eyes and subbing, I walked to her and got on one knee and helped her to a sitting pose and said "look me in the eyes." she slowly opened her eyes and looked into my eyes, I could see the sadness and fear to pass through her but I then saw something else. I didn't know at the time but at the moment what I was seeing was her soul/body could be a vessel for powers.
I looked at the wendigo queen and said: "I got a better idea." I closed my eyes and forced something out of me to the girl. she began to breathe heavy until I heard a thump. I opened my eyes to see her out cold, I stood up and looked at her and shook my head as I heard her heartbeat slow down to the point she was close to dying. the wendigo slowly walked to the girl and checked all over her body and asked: "what did you do?" I then took the handgun the guy had and aimed it at the wendigo girl. she looked at me and froze as her wendigo beast was crowding me. I then shot the unconscious girl on the ground, wendigo girl was in shock and quickly stood up. she was taken back by this and backed up from me and said "the ... the bunker is up the hill. finish the deal." she then got onto one of the wendigo beasts and disappeared in the darkness. I looked at the now-dead girl and said "I'm sorry. but no one must know what happened to her." I then started a fire on her body as it was still warm. as the girl's body burned I walked away and the rest of the way to the bunker throughout the night. 

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