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my long walk to the bunker was expanded because of the deep thinking about why I had such a hard time controlling my sexual needs and what powers do I have. once finally getting to the bunker I stared at the massive opening in the side of it. water had filled the inside with at least a few inches, the water was brown and didn't look clean. from the spot I was standing, I couldn't see much so I decided to wait and let the sun prove light for me.

I sat down on wet grass in front of the opening and looked at the night sky through the tree leaves. I said "what am I doing here, I don't have no purpose anymore. if I died today what would happen, maybe I come back a normal kid with no powers. maybe then I'll have friends and find this soul mate I been looking for.... or maybe it will turn out like this, me running up a mountain and argue with a wendigo about a girl's life but kill her anyways then get told to kill another." I slowly closed my eyes to my mumbling thoughts, but that night I had a good dream.

I was at home and I was playing in the backyard with Asia brother dexter. he was smiling and panting as the sun beat down on both of us, I put him back inside to cool down and I dragged out a kiddy pool and filled it with water then wasted my last bit of energy and dragged it down the hill to a tree. I took off my shirt and I was no longer fit or had abs. I laid into the small pool and laid my head on the side to relax. it was peaceful and relaxing as I listened to the birds around me. I didn't notice they stopped making a sound as I laid there. I heard the fence shake and I wanted to look but I couldn't get up, I started to hearing something big sliding on the ground around me and growing closer. I tried to get up again but I only managed to take a peek with my eyes and I saw nothing. this dream was beginning to feel like a nightmare as the sound got closer and I couldn't move to see what it was.  

my body went cold when I hear the water splash and felt something rapidly growing around my body and soon enough from my feet to my chest was something tightening its grip as its heat warmed my body and the water slightly. I didn't know what to do, I finally was about to move and I saw a massive snake tail around me. my eyes followed the scalie freash of this massive snake but I woke up before I saw what it was attached to. I sighed in relief and raised up and looked around. I saw I was still outside but the woods were filled with fog and sunlight shining through the trees. I slowly got up off the ground and looked into the mouth of the bunker and walked inside there was no longer water but leafs and sticks covered the ground. every step I took going deeper in the massive room let a loud crunch echo through the bunker. I finally made it across the room and to a metal door that keeps the outside world from the bunker inners. I grabbed the rusted handle and pull it counterclockwise, with a roar of metal rubbing together the door opened. I looked inside to see a look hallway with doors across each other ranging from 10 to 20 doors.

I sighed as I began walking to the first room to my right. I lightly pushed open to see crates of wood with large bold letters reading out "ammo". curiously I peeked into one of the crates and saw very old ammo that seems to be 50. cal but this didn't make any sense there was no war in Tennessee. or at least far as I knew, I opened another box and saw syringes that would be used to trap a wild animal. this piqued my interest more and I wanted to know what happened here, I left the room and went to the next that was across the hall. it was a room filled with a large map of the USA and a table with a hand radio maybe dating back to WW2. I tried to read the map but the room was extremely dark, suddenly lights turned on and the room filled with a dim light. I looked at the light bulb and saw it was soon to burn out, I then heard footsteps with whistling growing closer to the room I was in. I wanted to see who was walking the hall but once I tried to take a peek there was no one there. I slowly went to the map and watched the door closely . I saw points of the map that was in Tennessee. some was black while others was red covering black. the Marks seemed to be a sharper or ink marker. I heard the door creak as I was about to touch the marking on the map. I turned to see the door slammed shut, I quickly ran to it and found it was locked from the outside. I rammed the sturdy door with my left shoulder but it didn't move an inch. I looked around the room, that's when I noticed the map move. I slowly walked to it then twisted out the light with my hand covered with my shirt. I dropped it after getting burned by the hot bulb. I sighed but noticed the light shining through the map. I approached the map and pulled the corner of the map closest to the light from the wall making sure not to rip it. I saw a human size hole through the wall going 4 feet through solid concrete to the next room. I sighed and bent down and began to crawl in the tunnel the floor and walls of this tunnel was made of claw Marks like a beast clawed through the concrete. I reached the other end to see a massive hole in the floor. I looked into the hole to see at the bottom was spikes made of rusted metal and other materials but what interested me the most was the massive skeleton that seemed to be holding the spike as the bones wrapped each spike in the hole.

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