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Fourteen years old

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Fourteen years old

"Mom, I'm heading to Damon's!" I shouted, quickly grabbing my jacket in excitement. The snow was getting heavy, but luckily my best friend lived across the street. "I think today's the day I'm going to get the complete recipe! I just need to figure out two more ingredients and we'll be stuffing our faces in heaven."

Damon's mom was making her famous chocolate chip cookies. I was still trying to figure out the recipe for my favorite dessert, much to my mother's amusement. I was hoping that once I learned all the ingredients, Mom would be able to bake them every day.

I heard my mom's laugh echo through the house.

"Good luck. You know how protective Liz is about her food. Make sure that you're back by six! You can invite Damon for dinner!" Mom called out as I heard her rustling in the kitchen.

Squirming into my jacket, I took a quick peek of my mother putting something together in a bowl. Spotting the broccoli next to it, I grimaced. Quickly coming up with a plan, I grabbed one of the baseballs we had around the house. Eying the horrid vegetable, I waited for Mom to turn away before I threw the ball, expertly hitting the broccoli off the counter and into the trash can.

I walked into the kitchen, subtly adding things into the trash to cover my crime. I was too busy with my task to realize I'd been caught.

"Xavier Monroe, don't think I don't know what you just did."

I jumped, swirling around and finding my Mom crossing her arms with a raised brow. I tried to give her my innocent eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mom. I'm just organizing the trash can." I tried to make my voice more high-pitched and childlike.

"You're definitely your father's son. Nice try. And you're lucky I will be able to rinse that off. But you earned yourself an extra helping of nutritious vegetables tonight."

I groaned, but couldn't help but smile as she tried to look stern. Mom was the kindest woman, but knew how to hold her ground against Monroe men.

After a couple moments, she dropped her arms and gave me a proud smile. "Nice aim though. You're getting better."

My heart warmed and felt myself blush under her gaze.

Octavia Monroe was beautiful and anyone who thought otherwise was stupid. She was a tall and slender woman, her long blonde hair pulled back into a messy bun.

While I looked identical to my dad, I was able to get her blue eyes.

"Thanks." Embarrassed, I tried to act cool and I crossed my arms. "If you need me for anything, don't be afraid to call me back." I ordered.

Mom rolled her eyes, stifling her amusement.

"Go have fun. Your father escaped work early and will be home any minute. But thank you, my brave protector."

I shrugged, giving her a guilty smile. I'd always been protective of my mother. My father was the same way, always making a fuss whenever she did anything he found remotely dangerous.

My dad, Alexander, was the head of his own security business. Paranoia seemed to come with the job as he acted like someone was ready to attack one of us at any given time. Though my father brought a lot of money from his job, my mother made him stay humble and had us live in a small friendly neighborhood near the city.

Mom came forward and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was almost the same height as her despite just starting high school. "You're just as protective as your father. I will be fine, alright, Sugar?"

I scrunched my face at the name. My mother had recently decided to call me by that and I hated it. It made me sound like a little kid.

As long as it isn't Sugarbear. Bleh.

"Why do you insist on calling me that?" I whined and she laughed at my reaction, affectionately cupping my face before giving it a quick squish.

"Sugar is a great nickname!" Mom insisted. Another round of giggles left her as I pouted once more.

"Sounds like what someone from the South would say– we live in New York." I argued again.

She rubbed her thumb against my left cheek and looked into my eyes intently.

"We live in a dark and bitter world, Xavier. Everyone needs that bit of sugar in their lives to make it sweeter, to remind us about the best parts of living. And you, my Xavier, do just that," Mom pecked on my forehead before pulling away.

Flushing, I gave her a bright smile, which she returned immediately. "Now, go have fun, Sugar. I don't want to pull you away from Damon for too long. Figure out Liz's secret ingredient." Mom winked.

I laughed as I waved to her one last time before leaving the house.

"Love you, Sugar!" I barely heard her call out, but I already closed the door.

I didn't say goodbye. I didn't say 'I love you'. I didn't hug her tightly one last time.

I didn't protect her.

And I regretted it ever since.

Whenever I thought about that night, everything seemed like a blur. The world spun off its hinges and nothing made sense anymore.

I remembered the explosion that shook the entire neighborhood, the ground shaking underneath my feet. I remembered when Damon and I rushed out to see my house coming apart in flames. I remembered the rawness of my throat when I screamed my mother's name over and over again.

And then nothing.

Everything slowly came back together when I stared at my mother's gravestone, my father sobbing as he whispered to the coffin in the ground. Everyone left besides Damon.

My best friend stayed by my side and didn't plan on leaving without me. He made sure that no one bothered or disturbed me. Damon didn't speak, just sat next to me as I cried for the loss of my mother. He always knew exactly what I needed and that's why my father and I let him stay with us.

He was family as well.

I quietly mourned with him until my father finally stood up, coming to me and held both my and Damon's hand, squeezing them gently.

"I'll find out who did this son...if it's the last thing I do," My father said, his tone monotone, almost dead.

I squeezed his hand back.

I believed him.

I believed him

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