damN daDDy

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Namjoon looks hot! Not just hot but HOT hot! His nice peach blonde hair goes great with his nice sun-kissed skin! I just want to lick it! Maybe I wont tell him that though... 

"Namjoon.. What the fuck?"

He looks at me "what?"

I look him up and down "You look... ho- GOOD!"

He smirks "Were you about to say Hot??"

I shake my head "Dont get too full of yourself"

He shakes his head also and winks "You're gonna be full of me"

Jin bust up into the room "I THINK NOT! Not in this holy house!"

Yoongi nods "Agreed. I really dont want to see live porn. Especially around my baby Hobi."

Jimin furrows his eyebrows "Hey! What about me! Im your baby too!"

Yoongi smiles "Yep. You're my baby too, babe."

Jimin blushes and Hobi giggles.

They're such a cute tricouple? Is that what you would call it? Whatever.

I look at Jin.. Hes staring at Namjoon a bit too hard for my liking.

I clear my throat "AhEm. So, Namjoon. How was your day?"

He chuckles "It was normal. But seeing you made it better."

I bluSh "ExcUse mE?"

He smiles showing his dimples "Its the truth."

Jin cuts in before I could say anything "So uhm.. I was wondering where the bathroom is?"

I smile "Down the hall to the left!"

He smiles a smile that is obviously fake but im too oblivious to notice "ThaNks" He walks away.

Jungkook hums "Do you guys smell that smell? A smelly kind of smell? A smell that smells...smelly.."

Tae looks at him weirdly "What?"

Yoongi looks at Jungkook concerned "I second that what."

Jungkook shakes his head while sighing "I meant that I think something is wrong with Jin hyung!"

Namjoon furrows his eyebrows "As your leader, I think I would notice if something is wrong with him."

Jungkook frowns "Hes been in the bathroom for a while now.."

I put my hands on my hips "Its been like a whole 2 minutes! Thats not even long!"

Jimin chuckles "Thats what she said!"

Yoongi gasp "JIMIN!"

Hobi looks up from his sippy cup confused "Daddy? What does oppa mean by thats what she said?"

Yoongi shakes his head while pinching the bridge of his own nose lightly "Nothing. He doesn't mean anything."

Tae pouts and looks at Jungkook  "Am I prettier than Jin hyung?"

Jungkook nods and smiles "Yes!"

Jin bust out of that bathroom "ExcuSe Me?!"

Tae screeches and jumps onto Jungkooks lap while Jungkook flinches at Jins yells.

I just watch all the chaos happen.. These boys are wild. How does Namjoon handle them? Im brought out of my thoughts as I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see its Namjoon.

He smiles "Hey, can we talk in private..?"

I nod.


Wrong Number // Kim Namjoon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now