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"Sometimes the person who tries to keep everyone happy and always cares for everyone is always the most lonely person."


Hi, my name Kris. This story is not about myself, it's not about my love life, but it's about a friend who was always there and takes care not just me but all of her friend.

It was too late when we've realized that...

The girl who keeps us happy whenever we were sad, whenever we need a shoulder to cry on... She was always there. To listen, to give advice, and to keep our smile on our lips every second she can.

We miss you..

So much that we're at the edge of our life thinking why we did not notice anything.


Time was not everything, but its something.

We wish to go back to that time where we could do something to you.

Those smiles on your lips were so true, that we did not notice those cries behind that smile.

We're not going to ask why.

Cause we now know how hard it was for you.

For you who was our listener. Our shoulder.

Life is really unfair.

You've always listened to our worse scenarios in life. We haven't listened to your cause we never ask. Like what you always did.

your good morning messages were so consistent that sometimes we think "she doesn't need to do annoying things like that". But we miss it now.

you always greet us every 12 AM on our birthdays even we always forgot yours.

You're so simple-minded that even just a small simple things can make you happy, we even judged you.

The sound of your laugh is actually calling for our help. But we ignored it.

We've taken you for granted.

Sorry for not noticing your silent cries. It was all in your eyes.

Your funny reactions to every story we tell that we always end up laughing at.

Even at the very end, you showed us your sweet smile.


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