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I'm getting tired of this kind of situation.

Dying to know, Afraid to find out.

I'm in this kind of situation where I could feel something that  I shouldn't.

I know I'm just an option.

your option when you're bored,

your option to kill time,

your option when you have no one to play with.

I'm just your option.

You saying good night is a lie,

saying you're busy with something,

saying that you have something to do,

Is just the indirect choose of words to say,

You don't have time for me.

Having you beside me makes me happy,

Having me beside you makes you...

I'm that kind of person who will always be right by your side,

In your ups,

In your downs,

and especially in your worst.

I'm that kind of person who would not talk too much but,

I will let you feel that you're important,

I'm not good with words,

But I'm good in action.

I notice it all but I won't say anything.

Because I know,

It will either hurt you or...

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