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"Calum! We have to leave in literally five seconds," you whined, trying to get him off you. Of course, when the two of you needed to catch a flight, he started to get in the mood. He kissed down your jaw and neck, leaving marks in his path. You giggled at the tickling feeling, pushing him off of you. He finally got off, smirking at your new bruises. You walked to the full-length mirror, inspecting your neck. 

There were three red dime-sized marks in a row down your neck that were very conspicuous. "Baby," you whispered, looking at him smirking playfully. He approached you, washing you with more kisses. You felt your phone vibrate in the pocket of your shorts. "That's the cab," you informed him in between pecks. "I can't wait anymore," he whispered in a deep voice. "We have all the time we need in Vegas," you retorted. His eyes diverted from your lips to your eyes. A small smile tugs at his lips. 

◧ ◨ ◩ ◪

Within an hour of touching down in Las Vegas, the gang has already made their way to the nearest beach. There were jet-ski services available so why not? You held Calum's torso tightly as he swerved to a halt. "Oi, Michael! The first one to finish a lap gets free drinks tonight!" Calum yelled towards the other jet-ski that Michael and Courtney were on. You looked in the distance where Luke and Ashton were lying down in the sand, taking in the Nevada sun. You realised Luke staring at Courtney very intently, with a small frown. You were going to show Calum, but you were taken aback when he stepped on the acceleration with all his might. 

The four of you were a barrel of laughter throughout the whole race. Michael won the race by a huge landslide as if he had been practising. "Good thing you're the getaway driver," you stated, earning a playful wink from him. 

The four of you got on shore, needing a break from the exhilarating race. Courtney and you laid down your beach mats, deciding to get a summer tan. "You don't realise, do you?" you sounded, pushing your sunglasses onto your hair. She looked at you dumbfounded. "No?" she said doubtfully. "Luke was staring at you the whole time," you squealed, getting a few looks from others. 

Courtney rolled her eyes, dismissing what you were saying with a wave of a hand. "Court, he isn't over you." She looked to the guys playing volleyball, suddenly noticing how hard Luke was hitting the ball, making his biceps flex. She could hear a small voice yelling at her to look away, but never stopped looking.  

You were in the exact same state as her. You couldn't physically peel your eyes off of Calum. His sweaty tan skin glistened under the sun. You didn't mind watching him all day, but soon enough you were caught. He turned around as if he could feel your eyes on him. He shot a quick wink at you before returning to the intense game. You bit your lip, feeling a cage of butterflies in your stomach. 

"You're whipped, Y/N," Courtney commented, making you blush. 

◧ ◨ ◩ ◪

The sun was setting and the view was absolutely amazing. You stood in Calum's arms, lightly swaying. "I'd give up anything for you," he commented, laying a sweet kiss on the crown of your head. 

"Even the Nintendo Switch?" you teased, earning a small laugh from him. 

"Woah, don't get too ahead of yourself, baby." 

The two of you stood in silence, relishing at the moment. Calum's yearned to separate his lips and say something but his tongue was heavy with hesitation. The sight in front of him was breathtaking. You were snuggled in his arms with the setting sun gloriously highlighting your features. 

There was nothing like this. There was nothing like you. After mustering enough courage, he turned you around so that you were facing him. 

"Y/N, I..."

Calum was stumped. What was wrong with him? You looked at him expectantly, a small frown creeping onto your face. "I-I'm tired. Wanna get back to the villa?" Calum breathed out. You pouted, taking one last look of the scenery before agreeing. 

As both of you walked hand in hand, Calum was in his head - mentally beating himself up for completely destroying the perfect moment. You, on the other hand, were disappointed beyond measure. Maybe it was your fault for getting your hopes up, but was it that hard for him to say it? 

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