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Even though you lived in Street 10 for quite some time, you never got the chance to go on a shopping spree down the street of many well-known luxury brands. You didn't have the money to do so either, but it would be nice to feel special once in a while. You were in your room in the villa, sitting on the comfy bed as you stare out of the window. You could see people walking out of Tiffany & Co. with huge blue bags even though they were in the store for fifteen minutes. You sighed, imagining how it was inside the store. 

You imagined everything white with little hints of their signature light blue colour. There would probably be a couple of chandeliers in there just to add to the luxury feeling. 

Calum walked into the shared room, noticing you staring in the distance. He peeped over your shoulder and realised that you were daydreaming while looking at the countless stores down the street. He grinned, an idea popping in his head. He took a seat beside you, making the bed tilt downwards. Almost instinctively, you rested your head on his broad shoulders. 

"What are you looking at?" he asked even though he knew the answer. "The stores," you replied softly. "I never got to enter these stores," you stated, carried away with your thoughts.  

"I can change that." 

You looked up at him, eyebrows frowned. "We should have a shopping splurge, just for you." His words lit up your world. "Really?" you squealed, intertwining your fingers with his. "Anything for you, baby," he replied, laying a sweet kiss on your nose. 

◧ ◨ ◩ ◪

"No, stop," you warned, hating that Calum had the familiar smirk on his lips. 

He was looking at rings that had more than 4 digits on the price tag. "Baby, its just Cartier," he whispered, shrugging nonchalantly.  "Yes, this ring," he told the staff worker. She carefully took the ring out, placing it on a velvet red ring dish. She led both of you to chairs and prepared glasses of champagne for two. 

She passed you the ring that felt very expensive. You delicately wore it, relishing at the feeling of the ring wrapping around your finger perfectly. You flaunted the ring to Calum, getting a huge smile from him. 

Calum loved seeing you smile so widely. He just knew that one of his purposes in life must be to make you the happiest girl on earth because this feeling he felt was out of the world. He could so see himself spending the rest of his life with you. It was just not up for debate. He wanted to spend his life with you. Soon enough, the familiar words entered his mind and made his tongue heavy. There was no better time to say it, he thought. 

"Y/N, I love you." 

You didn't react. You were too busy admiring the ring. Damn, she didn't hear it, he sighed in his head. He took your hand in his and laid a soft kiss on it. "M'lady," he husked, a small smirk on his lips. You giggled the way you only did when you were a young teen. 

"We'll take it," he announced, eyes still stuck on you. Your lips parted, not expecting that. The rest of the time in Cartier went by in a matter of seconds, mostly due to the fact that you had been sipping on around three glasses of champagne. You were getting very tipsy, very fast. Both of you left Cartier with wide smiles, hand in hand. In his other hand, was a small but valuable bag with 'Cartier' written on it in lavish cursive handwriting. 

◧ ◨ ◩ ◪

You were sitting in the hot tub, Calum directly opposite you. You were rambling about anything and everything. "Today was crazy! Like this is our second life. Shopping at Cartier by day, fighting druglords by night," you said in a movie-dramatic voice, waving your hands in front of you, picturing the quote printed on a movie poster. 

Calum laughed, pulling you closer to him. "You're so wrinkly," you commented, feeling his pruney skin. "We need to get out of the hot tub, love. We've been in here for two hours," he whined, pulling you out when you refused to budge. He picked you up effortlessly, slowly getting out of the hot tub with you in his arms. He sat you down on the bed before going to the bathroom to get some bathrobes. He tossed one at you and you instantly wrapped your body with the soft fabric before the shivers kicked in. 

While you sat on the bed, on your phone, he went to the balcony, pulling out a cigarette. He lighted it, getting a long drag from it. You noticed it, frowning at his sudden relapse. He was doing so well not giving in to his addiction, but he just broke. You slid the glass door open, standing beside him. "Again?" you muttered, looking at him with disappointed eyes. "Yeah," he whispered defeatedly, immediately stubbing the cigarette, disposing of it in the ashtray. 

You took his hands in yours, leading him inside. "You only smoke when you're stressed. What's going on, baby?" you asked, tangling your fingers in his thick hair. 

"I don't know. I just felt like-" 

He was cut off by his phone ringing aggressively. He sighed, reaching for his phone on the bedside table. He answered the call, his expression immediately turning serious. "Yeah, I'm on the way," he muttered, getting up and ending the call. 

"Wh-what? I thought the diamond show was in a month!" you complained, not expecting for him to leave so soon especially since you were having such a great time. 

"Yeah, but there is another gang that wants to speak with us," he answered bluntly while he changed into some proper clothes. Your heart ached at the thought of having to spend the night alone in such a gorgeous villa. 

You sat on the bed with your legs crossed, watching him with a pout. Right as he was about to leave the room, he caught your forlorn eyes. You felt his wall of professionalism break at the sight of you. He retraced his steps, approaching you. 

"Baby, I'll be back as soon as possible," he promised, laying a tender kiss on your lips. You could still taste the nicotine on his lips. You smiled weakly, knowing that you weren't going to see him until at least after 4 in the morning. You walked him out of the room, reminding him to be safe before he dashed out, taking the stairs down. He flashed you a small smile before he disappeared into the night. 

You were aware of the short-comings of your second life in the gang, but you didn't know that it would hurt that bad. Your thoughts about wanting to be in a normal couple resurfaced in your head. You just wanted to be in a couple where they had dinners together every night and woke up to each other's faces every morning. You couldn't even remember the last time you woke up with Calum in the bed. The more time you spent waiting for him went by, the more your thoughts ate you up. 

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