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Even in the dark, you could sense Courtney's nervousness radiating off her body. Both of you successfully completed Operation Diamond with no hiccups. Now, you were holding a bag of all of the diamonds that were formerly displayed at the diamond show. You peeked into the bag and took a diamond the size of your palm. You held in your hands, admiring how it glistened in the moonlight.

There was a ray of light that reflected off the surface of the diamond. One thin ray suddenly turned into another ray of light, but this one was much bigger. So big that the light was shining on both you and Courtney from the sky. The blood drained from your face but you were too fueled with adrenaline that you and Courtney bolted away, jumping from roof to roof with ease.

You staggered your breathing, a trick that you learnt when the gang was still in Street 11. Soon enough, Courtney and you lost the helicopter tracking you two. You spotted a rusty ladder that led into an alleyway. You signalled to Courtney to hide in the alleyway. Within seconds, two of you climbed down the ladder and hid. You were just about to let out an exhausted sigh of relief when you heard heavy footsteps echoing throughout the alleyway.

You dragged Courtney to the floor, hiding from anyone's view. She looked at you in confusion before she heard the sound of walkie-talkies. Cops. You waited there in silence, getting your heartbeat steady. When the coast was clear, you carried out the rest of the operation. Two of you changed out of the clothes that basically screamed that you had robbed a diamond show. In your backpack, there were dresses and shopping bags. You wore the dress before tossing the clothes into your bag while Courtney packed the diamonds into the shopping bags.

Once the two of you were ready, you walked out of the alleyway. If your instincts were correct, you should be in the shopping street right in front of the villa. You knew you were right when you saw the Cartier shop staring right back at you. Both of you walked back, acting as another pair of best friends who had just spent a bomb on some clothes. Within minutes, two of you were safe within the compounds of the villa.

You locked the front door after you. Once you were isolated from the outside, Courtney and you jumped in joy, screaming at the top of your lungs because Operation Diamond was an absolute success. While you were jumping for joy, you couldn't help but feel an emptiness at the pit of your stomach. It felt like something was missing. You couldn't feel any form of bliss even though this was something that would normally make you ecstatic. Normally, the guys would be here celebrating with both of you.

Courtney caught your train of thoughts and her mood changed instantly. She broke down in tears. Fat tears rolled down her cheeks at such a fast speed. The tears ran out like a gush from a waterfall. She covered her face with her hands, smudging her makeup with her tears and fingers. She squatted on the spot, the feeling of despair engulfing her. Within a second, you sat by her side, comforting her with soft-spoken words. As she stayed still, she looked devoid of life. There wasn't the usual fiery glint in her hazel eyes. You sat there, taking in the sight in front of you.

You had never seen Courtney like this. She was always the badass one in the gang and there was no way she would let a tear slip out of her eyes. She was too strong for that. She had gone through too much for her to be easily broken down emotionally. You admired her for that, but you knew that she would break sooner or later. You pat her back, reassuring her that everything would be okay. At the back of your mind, you didn't actually know whether everything would be okay.

The two of you sat in the middle of the large living room, surrounded by silence.

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