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"If they want the diamonds, then they'll have to get through us." 

Both of you spent the last hour digging through Luke's suitcase of blueprints to find the layout of the hall of the diamond show. Although Courtney found a copy of the blueprint, you found something much more interesting hidden under the stacks of important documents Luke brought with him on the trip. 

You were surprised to see a small polaroid of Courtney and Luke sitting very close to each other, enjoying a beer in each other's company. Courtney had the widest smile and her blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight. Luke's eyes were glued to her with a slightly taken aback look from him. 

You brought the polaroid to her, looking for any expression on her face. Apart from the stressed look, you could see a small jolt of excitement from her. "He really likes you, Court," you commented, motioning to the picture. She admired the picture, caressing his face with her thumb. "Well then. He'll have to tell me so once we find them."

 According to the blueprint, she would be able to enter the place through the roof and slowly spiral down while there is a rope attached to her torso. She tried to understand Luke's plan through the scraps of paper he left behind and so far, she felt like this was quite close to his plan. 

You listened to her intently, ensuring that you knew everything you needed to do since there was a serious shortage in manpower. It would honestly be a miracle if both of you could pull off a heist meant for four people to carry out. After the meeting that took up the rest of the day, both of you started to pack for the heist. 

You grabbed Calum's duffel bag and dumped in on the bed. You looked around the shared room, hoping that he left some equipment that would be of use to you. Luckily, he left some guns and pistols as well as a harness. You dumped them into the bag, also throwing in some of your stuff. You never thought of joining the guys in the heist, so you didn't bring anything. However, being in the gang for this long, you knew better than to travel to a foreign land without at least a pistol. Once you were pleased with your bag, you decided that it was probably a good time to get some well-deserved rest. 

You laid in the bed, feeling awfully alone. More than usual, at least. You turned to your side, staring at the full moon shining on you. You sighed, thinking of Calum and wondering where he was. 

You stared at the moon, letting out all your of inner thoughts. Clearly, the whole situation was taking a toll on you and you had to let it out someway. "I hope you're safe out there, baby. If anything happened to you, I don't know what I'd do."

You never realised that although he came home late every single night, he never failed to return nevertheless. Now, you're sitting in silence, not knowing whether you would see him soon. You played with your Cartier ring, smiling softly at the memory of two of you getting tipsy in Cartier. 

You wiped a stray tear rolling down your cheek. You would do anything to see him again. 

◧ ◨ ◩ ◪

Calum couldn't get any sleep even if he tried. The past day had been chaos. All he knew was that the address the new gang provided Luke led them to a weird abandoned town. One wrong decision led to another, and now the four of them were tied up in some kind of hideout. The place reeked and was eerily bare. 

He tried to manoeuvre his arms to get out from the rope around his hands but a sharp pain stopped him in his tracks. He hissed at the soreness of his arm, realising that there was dry blood covering a small injection mark. He frowned at it, not remembering anything that happened in the last 24 hours. He looked at the guys, all of them were sound asleep, defeated from the day's events. 

He looked out a small window, getting a glimpse of the full moon. He sighed, wanting nothing more than to have Y/N in his arms again. He never meant for them to fight before he left. He was left alone with his thoughts. If the gang wanted to kidnap the four of them, who knows what they would do to Y/N and Courtney? His heartbeat quickened at the thought of anyone laying their filthy hands on Y/N.

His mind wandered to the future he wanted for Y/N and him. They were supposed to buy a house together. She would pick the colour of the walls while he would be the one actually painting each wall. They would have a king-sized bed which overlooked a breathtaking view of the mountains. Every day would be heaven because he got to spend every day with his soulmate. He would propose to her on a vacation with just the two of them. She would say yes and sooner or later, they were getting married. 

He could already imagine her hair cascading down her shoulder blades. Her wedding dress would be just like she had dreamed since she was a little girl. She would have the brightest smile while walking down the aisle. On the other side of the aisle, he would be struggling to keep in his tears. Every once and then, he would wipe a stray tear. After their wedding, they would have many kids. He insisted on it because he wanted to have a bunch of mini-Y/Ns running around the house that they built together. That would be just divine. 

Would. That would be divine, if both of them got out of this alive. 

"Damn," he whispered, shaking his head in defeat. 

"Y/N, love. I hope you're okay. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you. I'll come back soon," he whispered, eyes stuck on the fullness of the moon. He laid down, wishing for a miracle to happen. 

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